Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lalbagh Flower Show - Multi Color Rose

At flower show in Lalbagh Gardens at Bangalore on August 2011 there were exclusive collection of roses on display. The colors were amazing. One of the rose that I liked most is dual color rose.


Kim, USA said...

It's so pretty!


Lui said...

It looks beautiful but could it be a reaction to some deficiency? One of our flowers became like that when the soil was changed in some parts of the garden ;-(

Kalyan said...

Simply beautifully captured shot...lovely flower capture!

Anonymous said...

hi rajesh

excellent creation by nature...

thanks for sharing...

Luna Miranda said...

wow, an amazing rose! so beautiful.

Travel France Online said...

This is a very unusual rose, you don't see these very often and it's a pity as they are stunning!

linksdistodaquilo said...

... Simply beautiful!

A kiss of Nita.
Good morning!
In Portugal!

Jeevan said...

Beautiful rajesh!

Anna said...

Wow what a beautiful rose!!
I love the dual colors...
Weekend greetings from Holland,
Anna :-))

Jama said...

This is so pretty! I've a few photos of such colours, taken from a flower festival in my country.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful rose, love the colours!
Have a nice weekend.

Liz said...

Beautiful bloom!

I played too. Mine is here.

Karin M. said...

.. a fantastic rose, wonderful ...
LG: Karin

Linda said...

Beautiful role, I would love this for my garden.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Rajesh -- it looks like peppermint skick candy. Lovely shot!

lotusleaf said...

It is a beautiful rose I think it is called "Careless Love".

DeniseinVA said...

I can see why you liked this rose, those colors are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing.

Urmi said...

Unbelievable. What a lovely colour and very rare to see. Dual colour rose is looking beautiful and you have taken lovely shot.

magiceye said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It'd be difficult to believe this is a real rose. Yet I know it is.

Has the world changed so much that nature has started imitating art?

Magia da Inês said...

º° ♥✿
Passei para uma visitinha.
Linda... parece que foi pintada...
Boa semana!

Romina said...

It looks beautiful in it's mixed color.

SandyCarlson said...

It is easy to see why this is a favorite. It is gorgeous.

Carver said...

I love the multi colored rose.

Roberto Machado Alves said...

Oh, a great multi color rose. I loved it.


Mildred said...

Sooo beautiful!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Happy week***

Chubskulit Rose said...


Petunia is my entry, please come check it out. Thanks.

Tes said...

Simply lovely! I want this variety in my yard. :)

Anonymous said...

double color flower pretty

A Homemaker's Utopia said...

very special flower...nice shot..:-)

Ashwini said...

Real beauty!!!

Rajesh said...

Thank you all.