Thursday, December 1, 2011

Manjeshwar, the Pancha Bhasha Bhumi

The coastal village of Manjeshwar is part of Kerala state and it is bordering Karnataka State. It is known as 'Pancha Bhasha Bhumi' as five languages namely Kannada, Malayalam, Tulu, Urdu and Konkani are prominently in use here.

This place is at a distance of approximately 21 Kms from Mangalore.

The places of travel interest are:


Teamgsquare said...

Lovely temple .

Kavita Saharia said...

Never heard of this place before .Interesting .I love the name 'panchbhasha bhumi'.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Brilliant pictures, Sir.

Such a coincidence that I was passing by Manjeshwar yesterday.

Zuzana said...

How amazing to have a village where 5 languages are spoken.
I really like the first image, there is something warm about it and the pool appears so clean, I would love to dip my toes in it.;))

Jeevan said...

That's interesting rajesh!

Travel France Online said...

I like the geese in the pool! Lucky them!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely place.

Admin said...

wish to visit this place in the future..lovely blog! following it too!

Anonymous said...

ths holy place looks calm and sensitive....visit vl definitely gv us that feel i guess...

Lowell said...

This is very interesting! Do you think that most people in the area speak all five languages? How else would they be able to function together? Fascinating!

magiceye said...

had been there but was not aware of its 'pancha bhasha bhumi' status. thanks for the info.

SandyCarlson said...

The music in the names! Wonderful stuff. Beautiful photos.

Carver said...

Great shots of an interesting place.

Anonymous said...

nice info about manjeswaram..

nice photos..


Sylvia K said...

Lovely blue skies for the day, Rajesh, and wonderful captures! Hope you've had a good week and that you have an even better weekend! Enjoy!


Leovi said...

Beautiful photos, wonderful light and color. Excellent frames. Greetings.

eileeninmd said...

Great captures, Rajesh! I love the ducks. Happy skywatching!

lina @women's perspectives said...

Great places to visit...

P.N. Subramanian said...

I loved the crytal clear water of the pond. I never knew about this place. Thanks.

Trotter said...

Hi Rajesh! Sorry for the absence, but there was a small accident around here...

You're the best guidde to India I've ever seen...

Blogtrotter Two is spending a day at sea. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!

thomas said...

so many language there.

alicesg said...

Lovely picture of the village. Have a nice weekend.

LV said...

I look forward to your post. I feel like I have been on a trip to your great part of the world. Never would see it otherwise.

Pietro Brosio said...

What a nice place, Rajesh, and beautiful images.

Kim, USA said...

I wonder if that dialect Malayalam somehow part of Malay language. It is there might be some words that I could understand. ^_^

Weekend Reflection

George said...

I really like your photo of the pool. I hope you will show more from this village.

Pearl Maple said...

Enjoying your guide to India and the fascinating temples, interesting notes in that last post about the beautiful building hidden behind rocks, what a cool find

Al said...

It looks lovely, the first shot looks like an ancient swimming pool!

Joyful said...

It looks like an interesting place to visit. It also looks more rural than some of the other places you feature but I am not sure. I like the water photo.


Another interesting place to visit in India. Beautiful photos. :)

eden said...

Great shots as always.

Have a great weekend.

sappy said...

Very rare is to find a village like Manjeshwara where five languages are spoken.A special "pancha bhasha bhumi."

Bhushavali said...

Great find....
Roaming-About in Style
Insect Watch - Hammerhead Worm

Anonymous said...

They're just having a splashing good time!

Happy Weekend =)

Cassie said...

Very serene ShadowShot. I wonder if the people of Manjeshwara speak all 5 languages?? Happy SSS.

Pat said...

Wonderful shots!

DeniseinVA said...

It's always lovely to see another part of the world. Your photos are wonderful!

Chubby Chieque said...

Always amazes me the places your been through your travels.

Happy SSS..

Magia da Inês said...

º°♥❤ Olá, amigo!
❤ Seu país é maravilhoso.
º°❤ Um lugar lindo onde se fala cinco línguas diferentes e todos se entendem... é maravilhoso isso!
Boa semana!

Liz said...

Lovely photos. Have a fabulous week.

Holding Hands
Mango Snow Ice

Karen said...

It's always interesting to see where you have gone! I like the ducks splashing in the pool.

J.Rylie.C said...

Very pretty..

Here's my mellow yellowplease come and see. Thank you!

Rajesh said...

Thank you all. I will discover this place more.

Unknown said...

In a country like India, it is amazing to find a place like Manjeshwara.. The architecture of the temple looks so beautiful. I love the name "Pancha Bhasha Bhumi". Please explore the place called Mattur in Karnataka. It is the only place where people still speak in Sanskrit :) . Looking forward to seeing more information about this place from you :)

Leah H. said...

Beautiful shots, thank's for sharing..

Visiting for MYM! Hope you can visit mine too..

Ramakrishnan said...

Nice to hear about this place. Hope to visit some day.

genie said...

Rajesh...You have given us all another wonderful gift from India with your photographs. I adore the one with the water and the ducks. It reminds me of a Roman bath but one for little ducklings. The temple is lovely. genie

DeViL on WheeLs... said...

Seems interesting place, hope I will travel one day to South and see such lovely places.

TTT said...

What a lovely place ! Have added to my "to visit" list ...

rupam sarma said...

Great shot & post.Thanks.

Arpana said...

The staired water body is perhaps a pond,good shot!

AmitAag said...

...lovely pics and the post:)

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

Have been to Mangalore a couple of times. Have not heard of this.Thanks :)

Panchali said...

What a beautiful post, Rajesh ! Never heard of this place was enlightening...!!

The basti is so neat and tidy!! And the temple looks so serene....but, I just loveddd the first pic! A winning piece...great capture :)))))

Bhavana said...

Interesting...tell me more--show me signboards, shops with boards, how do they use and live with five languages?

Deepa Gopal said...

Beautiful pictures...nice to get such info tidbits...I have heard of Manjeshwar.