Thursday, December 8, 2011

Srimad Anantheshwar Temple, Manjeshwar

This temple in Manjeshwar is most ancient temple in the area. The temple is in a low laying area and has to be approached by going down the slope.

This temple like many other ancient temple was ravaged by both man and nature. The portions of the temple was devastated by cyclone in 1677. The temple was later looted by various people several times from 1750 and 1799. In 1804, it was renovated by the Gowda Saraswath Brahmins. The inner sanctum was recently again renovated in 2010 -2010.

The main sanctum has images of the three deities. Besides the image of Shiva, there are images of Lord Narasimha (Ananteshwar) and Subramanya.

There is a peepal tree outside the temple with various snake sculptures around the tree. There is also a small little temple pond near the temple.


Margaret said...

Thank you for the tour of this special temple. I am learning so much about India.

Teamgsquare said...

Nice capture , have been to this temple many times .


Snake sculptures on a tree, very interesting. So happy to hear too that renovations were made to save the history and the importance of this place. Fascinating story, my friend. Love the photos too.

Sushma Harish said...

wow loved to see it- amchi-temple it is...used to visit it often in my childhood

Zuzana said...

Very interesting, why are there snake sculptures around the tree?

Magia da Inês said...

º°♥❤ Olá, amigo!
❤ Imagens bonitas.
Interessantes essas esculturas em volta da árvore.

º°❤ Beijinhos.
♥❤ Brasil.

ashok said...

interesting place...

Jeevan said...

The temple outlook is beautiful!

Sylvia K said...

Such a lovely temple and such beautiful skies! Terrific capture as always, Rajesh! Have a great weekend!


Gill - That British Woman said...

super shots,

Gill in Canada

EG CameraGirl said...

Super photos!

Travel France Online said...

Men can create and destroy with the equal ability! Love the snakes scultptures.

Carver said...

It's amazing how these temples can withstand the ravages of time and nature even when there is some damage.

Unknown said...

Beautiful derail!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River.

Anonymous said...

another incredible temple.

Mark Kreider said...

Hi Rajish... always great photos with a good lesson in history. My only wish would be being able to enlarge the photos for a closer look.

J.Rylie.C said...

Pretty sky!

Please come see my skywatch also. Have a nice evening.

magiceye said...

beautifully documented

thomas said...

Another unique old temple.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Really interesting photos. The peepal tree looks amazing!

Leovi said...

Amazing, I love that tree surrounded by these sculptures.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to have statues at the base of a tree.

Naveen Manomohanan said...

You have a very beautiful blog which is full of rich treasures - places that a lot of us have not heard about or seen.

Came here through Rakesh's blog and found your writing very interesting.

Ramakrishnan said...

Looks so serene and peaceful. And so neat and clean too(characteristics of Kerala Temples)

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wonderful pictures! Very well composed.

alicesg said...

Very beautiful photo. I saw a similar tree in Taipei.

Liz said...

Beautiful shots! Visiting late today. Happy sky watching.


Cafe au lait said...

These are amazing!

Lowell said...

What a shame that something beautiful like this is looted and destroyed...hopefully it's latest incarnation will be left alone so that all the people can enjoy it!

DeniseinVA said...

I always enjoy visiting and seeing all these marvelous places you show us. Thank you so much!

Tania said...

This is great and that last one is very special.

Happy weekend:-)

Al said...

It's a shame that people would loot or destroy such a beautiful temple.

eden said...

Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.

Mildred said...

Beautiful shots!
Seems a very nice place to visit!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Happy weekend****

Trotter said...

Hi Rajesh! Happy to be here after my accident ;)

Your India is absolutely stunning!!

Blogtrotter Two is around Scandola. Fabulous! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Arija said...

Great shadows, particularly in the last shot.

Unknown said...

great photos!

here for Shadow Shot Sunday!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A wonderful tour. I really wanted to see those snake scultures up closer and I wondered why they were there?

genie said...

This temple is quite different from the ones I have been viewing these past months. It is a lovely one, and the snake sculptures around the tree are amazing. Glad it is being brought back to life after years of looting and mistreatment. genie

T... said...

beautiful shots, what a stunning place to visit

Shydub said...

the temple looks so solemn, thanks for sharing tidbits about the place

Sridharan said...

Very Nice..

Mac Leo said...

I missed out on this one during my stay in india what a beautiful temple Thanks

sappy said...

Very nice!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Rajesh
l'ultim foto è molto particolare !
Buona giornata.

Hootin Anni said...

I love cultural and historical. Great shadows, and awesome information.

Crypt Shadows in New Orleans Cemetery

RNSANE said...

I am now in India almost a week, Rajesh...eating so much wonderful food and being spoiled totally by my dear friends here in Mumbai. We're over near the international airport. Did get out the other night to see the Gateway of India and have a drink at the Taj Palace. Lovely evening but the traffic terrifies me. I can't wait to see some of these beautiful temples.

Check out my post on the Indian Golden Oriole.

HansHB said...

A nice shot!

Gattina said...

Very intersting !
Yes, men and nature can distroy so beautiful things !

Anonymous said...

yah really interesting....tht too the snake sculptures n peepal tree s smthng different

Seow wei said...

Interesting place, you let know more about india temple.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

It is quite old isn't. Amazing that it has stood for so long. V

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

Interesting Temple, especially the snakes around the tree! So much history there.

Unknown said...

It is indeed beautiful. I so love the ancient things and all the stories.

Bhavana said...

The sculptures around the Peepal tree is so interesting...

A Homemaker's Utopia said...

Amazing pictures..:-)

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating this beautiful temple.