Monday, December 12, 2011

Varaha Cave Temple, Mahabalipuram

Varaha Cave Temple in Mahabalipuram is a rock-cut temple. It is a 7th century small monolithic temple with a mandapa. The mandapa is guarded by sculptures of two Pallava doorkeepers. In front of mandapa are two pillars and two semi-columns that have horned lions carved into the bases.

Inside the mandapa the walls have four large sculptured panels, which are finest examples of ancient craftsmanship. The delineation and modeling of the figures are remarkable.

On the panel to your left is Lord Vishnu incarnated as Var
aha raising goddess earth from the ocean. There is still hint a red color at the top of the panel.

Opposite to this is the panel showcasing Trivikrama overcoming the demon king Bali.

At the rear are the two panels on either side of opening - Gajalakshmi seated on lotus and bathed by elephants, Durga with four arms.


eileeninmd said...

Hello Rajesh, the sculptures and carving are remarkable. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing.

Kim, USA said...

AWesome art!

My Pearls

CMBT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Teamgsquare said...

Wow , nice caves .

Anonymous said...

nice rock carvings...

your photos also good


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Great place. I went here sometime in June this year and was spellbound by the precision architecture.

Brilliant pictures, as always.

Cloudia said...

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

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< ° ) } } > <

Travel France Online said...

I wonder how long and how many men it took to dig and carve this beautiful temple!?

joshi daniel said...


joo said...

Another fascinating place!

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

Such beautiful carvings. Stunning entrance to the Temple.

Lola said...

Great images - and site!

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Here’s mine!

Unknown said...

interesting cave :)

happy Tuesday!

My Little Home and Garden said...

There is so much history involved in all of your photographs. You must love the subject matter. ❄

Zuzana said...

This must be another beuatiful place worth visiting.;) Your blog would make a wonderful travel guide.;))

Robin said...

How wonderful. I'd so love to see it myself someday...

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

Life Unexpected by BigHotMommaG said...

One of the place I am hoping to visit... INDIA!

Droppin' by from MWT!

Carver said...

The sculpture at the temples you show us is always so amazing to me.

Sylvia K said...

What a great post and photos of a very interesting place -- a cave temple!! I love it! Wonderful captures as always, Rajesh! Hope you have a good week!


Al said...

Very impressive carvings, and excellent photos.

magiceye said...

beautifully captured

Indrani said...

Great captures Rajesh.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful old wall carvings!

Reader Wil said...

How impressive and ancient! Once Asia was far more developped than Europe. Thanks for sharing your world.

Arija said...

The temple itself may have been carved from a rock face but the frontal columns are slender and delicate.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Very interesting place!

Anonymous said...

have seen ths but knwng the name now 1ly....truly ths place s one must see n our life...

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Beautiful!!! Cathy

LifeRamblings said...

the carvings are wonderful. looks like a beautiful temple.

Padmapriya TS said...

Hello Rajesh,

I am happy to nominate you for an award...Hope you like it!

alicesg said...

Lovely that history can be captured on the walls of the caves.

Lowell said...

7th century? I can't over how old some of these temples/carvings are! I especially like the one of Gajalakshmi being given an elephant bath1

anthonynorth said...

smaller scale but just as impressive.

Roger Owen Green said...

great caVes! ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

Amazing craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

Leovi said...

Really a spectacular art, beautiful photos.

George said...

The carvings in this temple are fantastic. They are in wonderful condition considering how old they are. You've captured them very well.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

What an amazing monument!!!

Urmi said...

As Mahabalipuram is near to my hometown so I have been there several times.You have not missed to capture a single shot as each and every structure and carvings are fantastic.
You are welcome at my new posts-

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Your country is incredibly rich in art an architecture. It's long history and diverse cultures all contribute to this richness. I hope every effort is made to protect this patrimony.

sappy said...

I think a detailed trip to Mahabalipuram takes a lot of time with all its cave temples and shrines.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful Rajesh. I know I repeat myself in comments on your posts, but I never cease to wonder at the remarkable art/worksmaship done so long ago. Thank you for sharing.

Joy said...

So much amazing detail in what looks like a small space.

Ash said...

Marvellous carvings!

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating te ancient sculptures.

JANU said...


Pietro Brosio said...

Splendid Temple, so interesting! Magnificent carvings!

Ramakrishnan said...

Rock cut temples in Mahabs are amazing. This one of Varaha is superb.

Eden said...

Impressive carvings. Beautiful photos as always.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing this wonderful art

Rachna said...


AmitAag said...

Awesome art..superb pics..thank you Rajesh!

TTT said...

amazing !

Bhavana said...

where do you see all these things yaar? I go n see nothing. Maybe next time u do a shoot near Chennai, I can accompany you???

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful post.

Unknown said...

Amazing images. Its a place I would love to see.

Panchali said...

Amazing carvings, Rajesh! This is India---with exhilarating treasures hiddn in the caves.
Stupendous shots! Thanks for sharing..

Rajesh said...

Thank you for all appreciating this gem.

Bhavana: You can sure accompany me next time.