Monday, September 17, 2012

Cave No. 2, Ajanta

This is the second cave that we come across in Ajanta on the Eastern side of horse shoe shaped structure. This cave was built sometime in the 7th century A.D. It consists of verandah, a hypostylar hall, an antechamber, sanctum with two sub shrines, chapels and a group of cells.

Lord Buddha is enshrined in the sanctum flanked by celestial nymphs and Bhodhsattavas. The massive pillars and door-frames are elaborately carved with designs and decorated with paintings.

Extensively painted, it is famous for its ceiling painting in the hall, antechamber, verandah and chapels. The paintings contain some of the finest circles drawn in contrasting colors, which still retain their brightness and luster.

Even though most of the paintings in the cave are life of Buddha. Apart from this there is also a beautiful painting of Thousand Buddhas motif, seen on the left wall and shrine antechamber walls.

In the cave there are beautifully carved pillars well supporting the painted ceiling. On the pillars beautiful flower motifs and celestial figures in the brackets.

This cave has one of the best craftsmanship and best preserved paintings at Ajanta. The paintings on the halls of the cave are illustrations of the former births of Lord Buddha known as Jataka Tales.


Al said...

Another amazing cave, such ancient artistry.

R Niranjan Das said...

Awesome captures of the architecture and paintings.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Architectural marvels of the most brilliant kind.....

Anonymous said...

@awesome clicks :)

Ranjana's craft blog said...

These are very beautiful. Liked the paintings very much. It must have taken lot of effort

Fun60 said...

I am amazed that the colour in those paintings can still be seen today. I hope they are now being preserved so that future generations can continue to enjoy these works of art.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful carvings and paintings. This cave looks like an interesting place to visit. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

페리 푸켓 피피섬 it is a nice blog and this is an amazing ....

Jeevan said...

Impressive wall paintings and carved pillars! The thousand Buddha’s motif sounds great! said...

nice interiors :)

Trotter said...

Hi Rajesh! It’s great to be back and enjoy your posts!!
Lovely place!!

Blogtrotter Two is now in Dominica. Enjoy the rain and have a great week!

Kim, USA said...

The 3rd shots amazes me because I feel dizzy while looking at it. Great panning photography there. ^_^


Carver said...

Such beautiful art in the caves.

Adam Jones said...

Truly fascinating post. Really nice to see something so old in pretty good condition.

Unknown said...

Another great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

I have so enjoyed your visits to these caves, Rajesh! The art on the walls is amazing and your captures are superb! Have a great week!

Leovi said...

Very nice, I love how you have captured the beauty of these walls.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cave!

Indrani said...

I hope to visit again. Lovely captures Rajesh!

Roger Owen Green said...

JAW-dropping in beauty.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Barb said...

Rajesh, I'm so amazed at the beauty and intricacy of the paintings and carvings. In such ancient times, even lighting would have been dim for the artists. I'm happy it's so well- preserved.

Reader Wil said...

You live in a country full of surprises and architecture of the highest levels. Very beautiful! Thank you for showing us all these wonderful places.
Wil, ABCTeam.

Photo Cache said...

incredibly amazing.

Visit my J here

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

What an amazing place, Rajesh! One of the places on my list to visit next time I visit Inda.

Lowell said...

These caves are so massive. I wonder at how the people were able to cut them out of the earth. Or were they there and the temples were built inside of them?

betty-NZ said...

Such incredible work! Thanks so much for sharing it. I had no idea this place existed.

Anonymous said...


Gattina said...

How interesting and the paintings are quiet well preserved !

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love visiting your blog, I feel like I am on tour in India every time.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating this ancient paintings

Eden said...

Wow..impressive paintings. Beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Marvelous these Caves are.. isn't it?

Arti said...

I felt like taking a tour in the cave. Wonderful post, so beautifully capturing the rich heritage of our country.

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

I've been there as an Architecture student ... its so exciting!

K.A. Acharya said...

Beautiful cave and awesome clicks.