Monday, January 14, 2013

Cave No. 26, Ajanta

Cave No. 26 of Ajanta dated to 6th - 7th century A.D is one of the largest Mahayana Chaityagriha of dimension 25 X 12 m that has been elaborately and exquisitely carved with sculpted figures.

This magnificent Mahayana Chaityagriha was the gift of various devotees, named monk Buddhabhadra, Bhadanth Gunakara and Bhikashu Sanghmitra. The spacious forecourt, pillared veranda  with two side porches, and an apsidal hall are main components of chaitya. 

The facade, the inner pillars, the triforium (between pillars and roof arch), aisles side walls are extensively carved with images and decorative designs. The hall is divided by a colonnade into a central nave, and apse, and the side aisles around the hall which act as a circumlocutory passage. 

At the apsidal end, the composite monolithic stupa is the main object of worship, whose pinnacle touches the roof of the vault. The stupa overlaid with intricate carvings contains seated figures of Buddha.

However, the most striking and prominent image is that of Mahaparinirvana of Buddha on the right aisle wall. Below this are also there are various sculptures.

Another prominent sculpture is Assault and Temptation by Mar-on the eve of Enlightenment  These sculptures are of unique composition displaying delicacy and ingenuity.

The pillars with triforium and vaulted roof are all decorated with figures of Buddha and decorative motifs in paintings and sculptures. 


Al said...

Those are incredible carvings, you did a very nice job photographing them.

Ramakrishnan said...

Thanks for sharing these stunning & magnificent images.Happy Pongal.

Chris Twyman and Angela said...

have never been to India but have studied these beautiful sculptures while Chris has actually been there.Thankyou for these wonderful images.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Gems! Every single one of them. Loved the 1st one.

Panchali said...

Great collection!! It entices the reader to visit the amazing caves and understand beauty of Indian art.
what carvings....mind blowing n stunning pics!!

rupam sarma said...

Great capture and nice post.

Regina said...

Interesting and exquisite.
Great captures!

Have a nice week.

eileeninmd said...

Amazing details and carvings, what a neat cave to visit. Have a happy week!

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent photography and so historical ~ Wow!

(A Creative Harbor) on blogger ^_^

R Niranjan Das said...

Brilliant photos.

My Unfinished Life said...

hi..happy new year....

this is so interesting...having read about the caves in standard 5th first, I have always been intrigued by them...and want to visit...unfortunately it hasnt happened yet..but maybe 2013??? amen to that!!!

George said...

The carvings in this cave are spectacular, but the entire cave is very beautiful. Thanks for taking us there.

Leovi said...

Wonderful light, is a great place, delicious frames, these pictures are beautiful.

Andrea said...

Wow, as always, magnificent shots of great sculptures! You are a very good communicator and tourism person of the grandeur of Indian past!

Sylvia K said...

What an awesome place and your captures are terrific as always, Rajesh! Thanks for a great tour! Hope your week is going well!

Photo Cache said...

what can i say? simply incredible.

Anonymous said...

Truly magnificent!

lorik said...

Great shots of one of the most beautiful sights in the world! I love the golden light too! Thank you for sharing it on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

Indrani said...

I wish to be there again! Great pictures by you.

Anonymous said...

Wow what stunning images

Anonymous said...

oh u visitd here ,tht must b wonderful...such a incredible place...

LifeRamblings said...

a beautiful cave and your kids are adorable.

Anonymous said...

again awesome clicks -kudos :D

Unknown said...

Beautiful carvings!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

anthonynorth said...

Been away from ABC a while but these pics are worth a return.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! What history your country has ~ Fantastic photography ~

(A Creative Harbor)

Roger Owen Green said...

these are particularly awesome pics

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Fun60 said...

Excellent photos of the sculptures.

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of this fascinating place.

Leslie: said...

You always have such amazing photos of the caves in your country! Wonderful...

abcw team

photowannabe said...

Such Amazing detail of this Ancient place.

Reader Wil said...

Magnificent images. You know so much of the history of India.

Richard Lawry said...

Thank you for bringing this marvelous place to my attention.

An Arkies Musings

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful photos. Your post as always adds to my geographical and cultural knowledge and this one particularly gave me several new vocabulary words! I thank you for that (keeping my brain active is good at my age!).

Thank you.

Karen Xavier said...

I've always wanted to visit them... these images are stunning. Imagine the years it must have taken them to carve all this...

Linda said...

Beautiful photos and I appreciated your words of explanation.

Meoww said...

Must visit place in my opinion. Amazing shots.

Anonymous said...

incredible carvings

Cindi said...

Absolutely Astounding.

SRQ said...

Wow...very interesting! Beautiful work. You captured it well.

Joy said...

Stunning, I like the soft light.

Chubskulit Rose said...

What a beautiful cave full of history!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

do Hindu worship Buddha too?

Anonymous said...

My dear Rajesh, your photographs never cease to amaze. I would one day love to visit India, as my aunt and uncle once lived there... Peace to you, Amy

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating the beautiful craftsmanship.

Jeevan said...

Remarkable sight and fascinating sculptors! Great photos Rajesh

indu chhibber said...


hindustanisakhisaheli said...

no words!!