Monday, May 4, 2015

Ranipokhari, Ratangiri

At Ratangiri most of the excavation is done in and around  on the high mound locally called Ranipokhari or Queen’s Tank.

The excavation of this site revealed the spectacular remains of two monasteries lying side by side with a narrow passage between them. They have been constructed any time between 5th to 10th century A.D.

One on the left is earmarked as Monastery No. 2.

And the bigger one by its side is earmarked as Monastery No. 1.


Al said...

Awesome - that's some history there!

rupam sarma said...

Wonderful photos

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

fascinating to see this old structure :)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful photos. There is so much we can learn from our past. If we would just take the time to do so. Have a grand day!

Anonymous said...

super cool :)

Ingmarie We said...

Interesting post!

Anonymous said...

Love that shot of your kids!

Ileana said...

Beautiful pictures!

Sylvia K said...

So much history!! Wonderful captures for the day!! I hope you have a great new week, Rajesh!!

Fun60 said...

They seem to be in such good order for buildings that have been excavated.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It is nice you take your sons to these historic sites, Rajesh. They will be excellent travelers one day!

Donna said...

Nice to see so much excavation finding wonders thought lost. That doorway is spectacular...and a perfect spot for photo ops.

Photo Cache said...

Another must see destination.

Worth a Thousand Words

Leovi said...

 Wonderful pictures, I really like these monasteries excavated!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

The children are lovely and the ruins, always enjoy your shares, very interesting~

Hildred said...

How very interesting. I am fascinated by archeology.

Barb said...

I bet the boys enjoyed the mazelike rooms of the monasteries. Intricate ancient stonework and carvings. You are surrounded by history, Rajesh.

Roger Owen Green said...

the boys look as though they're coming out of a photo frame!


Meoww said...

Queens tank! Lovely place.

Murthy K v v s said...

Good captures.

Unknown said...

Quite quite lovely

PhenoMenon, ABC Wednesday

Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil said...

Rajesh, your sons are lucky to have a parent who will take them to these marvelous sites. Not only history, but culture and beauty. The world needs aesthetes! Good for you. Amy

Ajay Pai said...

Awesome history and love to read such posts.

Ajay Pai said...

missed to mention the photos. Very enticing.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You can imagine how it would have looked from the foundation. I bet the boys loved this.

Rosy said...

It is truly amazing how so many structures are able to remain standing since they were built since the A.D. period.

Joy said...

I always find archaeological excavations fascinating they add so much to our knowledge of the past.

Ravish Mani said...

Seems to be a grand monastery of its time. Lovely picks, Rajesh :)

Arun Muthusamy said...

Interesting place.

Sims said...

Thanks for sharing this info, definitely this will be handy when I plan a visit.

Unknown said...

Splendid architecture

Yogi Saraswat said...

Both Monasteries looking that these were remain a part of rich culture ..