Thursday, April 22, 2010

Govind Palace, Datia

We left from Shivpuri early morning. After visiting Survayi Ki Grahi, we proceeded to Datia which is at a distance of 106 kms. 

Govind Palace is the seven-story palace built by Raja Bir Singh Deo in 1614. Out of this only five levels are visible and other two levels are underground hidden from view. The main entrance is on the eastern side, while the south opens out to a lake, the Karna Sagar. A central dome rising to 35m caps the palace.

It has more than 440 rooms and several courtyards. What makes this palace special is that it is made entirely of stones and bricks with no use of wood and iron. This palace is one of finest example of a style of architecture that arose in the late 16th and early 17th centuries in the Bundelkhand area under the reign of the Bundela Rajputs. It is a fusion of Mughal and Rajput architecture.


  1. Wow! Very imposing structure!

  2. Beautiful blog you have here!!!
    I never realized our country has so many hidden wonders.
    Was quite a visual treat!!!

  3. 440 rooms? and built in 1614. I'm awestruck!!

  4. Wow, the last picture is stunning! I love the way your pictures have an ochre tint to them.;)

  5. The lattice work in Indian palaces is simply amazing!

  6. You have some amazing sights in your country.

  7. Gorgeous palaces, fantastic captures as always, Rajesh! Terrific, interesting post for the day! Have a great weekend!


  8. Really admire your blog, your posts and all the information you've been posting on your blog! Hats off!

    Pixellicious Photos

  9. oh what an amazing palace~

  10. Wow you've got an awesome buildings there. It's so beautiful! Happy weekend!

    Another Sunset

  11. Rajesh: It amazes me to see the structures which have been built in your country.

  12. Wow! Another great building in your country. So beautiful and different from my world. Your pictures are great:-)

  13. We over here in the USA know so little (as a rule) about your country and culture -- I think I told you that our grandson and his wife spent 7 months there, so now I know a little bit more. But still not so much and I am happy to see your beautiful pictures and read about where you are.

  14. really amazing...that palace has a lot to offer for someone who loves photography and travel....

  15. What a beautiful architecture! The second picture is my favourite.Great shots.

  16. really amazing architecture. it looks beautiful and imposing.

  17. Beautiful palace. Such detailed and complicated work went into it.

  18. All compliments to the talented architects and stonemasons who developed this structure, it is impressive.

  19. Amazing stonework! Gorgeous!

  20. A fascinating structure. Beautiful stonework.

  21. Anonymous16:57

    What a palace and great architecture! :)

  22. Hi, thanks for dorpping by.

    I'm really amazed by the works of architecture. It's really magnifient to have no use of wood and iron. With just bricks and wood, they had made a masterpiece. So facinating and intelligent what they did in the past. Thanks for the information and interesting post. :-)

  23. I learn so much from your blog. India has a lot of history.

  24. Wow, that building is huge and gorgeous, Rajesh. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Amazing palace, interesting pictures and descriptions.

  26. The palace looks amazing!

  27. the beauty just never ends

  28. So unique shots
    BEAUTIFUL architecture !!

  29. 440 rooms ! must be a quiet big palace looks beautiful from outside !

  30. It is an amazing palace and so BIG! Wonderful photos and thanks for sharing your part of the world.

  31. An amazing palace. Quite the grandest building I've seen.

  32. Very good information. So this is the palace we see while passing Datia by train.

  33. Rakesh, Vyazz, Zuzana, Tarun, JM, Martha, Sylvia, Kcalpesh, Lee, Kim, Fishing Guy, Spiderdama, Coffeeveggie, Sallie, Sandy, Eden: Thanks for the appreciation.

    Kirigalpoththa, Gattina: Thanks. The palace is huge. Some of the parts of the palace are closed for public.

    Marites, Carver, Pearl, LadyFi, Deepak, Joyful, J Bar, Tina, Mama Zen, Kristin, Yogi, Pam, Diane, Mridula, Laura, Anya, eileeninmd, Linda: Thanks for the

    P.N: Thanks. I am not sure on that. This is bit interior. May be visible at a distance.

  34. How beautiful. Happy Blue Monday.

  35. Stunning! The detail in this building is amazing....a work of art.

  36. Govind Palace a beautiful ancient architecture is seven- storeyed palace and it was built completely on stone in year of 1614. you can say this art is representative of one most finest architectures of the time period of Bundelas. You can watch sculptures of this palace and it gives good view side from the top. You would be amazed by seeing nice mural painted that was designed on top of the walls.

  37. the 2nd photo looks like a building that us made of gold :)

    u may view mine here

  38. Dave, Sally, Susan, Rody, Marice: Thanks for all the appreciation.

  39. This is a beautiful and must visit place !!Great shots !Also please visit my New Blog About Paranormal Studies of India.Click on the Link to view it Unseen Rajasthan Paranormal

  40. Awesome...awestruck by the size and architecture!

  41. Rajesh it is different that if the actual sites are as good as the way you have presented it with in depth touch, it is simply superb...

  42. I am sure you will like this place.
