Monday, July 4, 2011

Poetry in Stone - 5

This is fifth in the series on the rich cultural heritage of temples in India. The ancient temples are richly carved and they behold ones attention for their craftsmanship and the focus here is on the Buddhist Stupas. The construction of famous Great Stupa of Sanchi is commissioned sometime in 3rd century BCE. It has sandstone gates in in all the four corners of the Stupa.

The Eastern Gate is carved beautifully like all the other gates here. There are beautiful carvings of people, animals like elephants, lions, peacocks on it. But most famous sculpture on this gate is that of an shalabhanjika or Yakshi.

Here, it is added as an auspicious element to the decoration of the gate. The Yakshi is hanging by a mango tree. The sensuous maiden is carved with a single pearl necklace falling between her breasts, heavy anklets and bracelets. Her hair is tied into elaborate plaits.

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Deguide said...

Got to visit Sanchi for its heritage and antiquity

Urmi said...

I appreciate for the marvellous shot taken by you (2nd picture). Lovely post.
You are welcome at my new post-

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Brilliant as ever! Been missing your posts of late. Feels wonderful to be back! Thanks for your support!

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures!!

Well i need one advice:
Can you please suggest me a good place to stay at mount abu!!!


Travel France Online said...

I am always enjoying seing Indian temples, the decoration sculptures so elaborate, you never see all at once, you have to keep looking over and over to take it all.

Jeevan said...

Wonderful and nice describe about this Stupas!

Kirigalpoththa said...

I love to visit Sanchi one day. We learnt about it in art class when we were at school.

Sridharan said...

Every time I see the Sanchi stupa, I feel like visiting this place.. Very Nice..!

Teamgsquare said...

amazing place and carving

Unknown said...

Just incredible carving!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Willa @ The Blogging Traveller said...

This is so beautiful! I have a postcard from India that shows Taj Mahal, I will find someone that will send me postcard that show this famous temple you mentioned. Thanks for sharing. :)

Al said...

This looks incredible. There certainly is a rich cultural heritage there, that's something I sometimes feel is missing in my part of the world.

EG CameraGirl said...

The carvings are awesome!

Sylvia K said...

What a beautiful and amazing gate! And terrific shots as always, Rajesh! Such an interesting looking place! Hope you have a great week!


Carver said...

The art on the temples is wonderful.

Indrani said...

Very well framed shots.

magiceye said...

exquisite work!

Tes said...

Oh wow, Rajesh, such a beautiful structure. So intricate. Love the texture. :)

thepinaysolobackpacker said...

I'll be in New Delhi this Novem,ber. hopefully will stay in idnia for 2 weeks. will sure refer to your posts. =)

Irfanuddin said...

very informative post....thankx for sharing about "hanging Yakshi".

LifeRamblings said...

this is truly captivating Rajesh. the carvings are exquisite.

Barb said...

Hi Rajesh, I tried to enlarge your photos but can't - however, I can see the Yakshi on the photo of the Stupa - also elephants. I love the light in the photos - the carvings are shown so well in that light.

Gwendolyn L said...

As usual this is a wonderful post with great photos. I love the color and detail. Thanks for sharing.

Francisca said...

Yakshi is a fabulous word for Y day. I looked it up and was interested to learn they are not always benevolent beings. The carvings are exquisite.

Roger Owen Green said...

That is one provocative statue!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tania said...

Wonderful sculptures! So many great details. I would love to visit your world:-)

photowannabe said...

Truly amazing craftsmenship. the carvings are exquisite.

Kim, USA said...

The craftmanship is very fantastic and so loving it. Thanks for the visit!

How‘s your Independence day celebration?

Joy said...

Fabulous gate in every sense of the word. Your title sums it up perfectly.

Jingle said...

unique arts.

George said...

The carvings on this gate are exquisite. Absolutely gorgeous.

nonizamboni said...

I've studied about this ancient gate and am once again reminded of his unique beauty--thanks for sharing.

Pietro Brosio said...

Fabulous carvings, really amazing!

Emreen said...

Beautiful shots... The sculpture of the Yakshi looks incredible... !!! Its always amazing to see such brilliant workmanship ...!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

are they going to fix the left hand bit of the gate that fell off?

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very good post and photos, too.


Eden said...

Impressive carvings. Beautiful shots.

Anonymous said...

nice photos


Admirable craftmanship as always.

Harsha said...

Incredible India! Simply love the architecture. Good capture.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous artwork!

My ABC, please come and see.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Rajesh --your title "poetry in stone' is perfect for this post. The carvings are just incredible -- lifts ones' soul to see them.

Kay L. Davies said...

The Yakshi hanging from the tree is beautiful, Rajesh.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

Such attention to detail - this must have been carved with great care and devotion.

Anonymous said...

seeing ths for the first time...amazing...

María del Mar Hermoso said...

Such a feminine sophistication is the joy of being alive, the beauty and pride of being a woman!

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating the brilliant craftsmanship.

Sudhir R said...

The second photo is a amazing composition

Ashish Joshi said...

unique craftmanship ... got to visit the place .. thnx for posting @

Deepa Gopal said...

The sculptures are exquisite... Shalabhanjika is really a fab work of art.

Subhrashis Adhikari said...

been there...loved that place :)


Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating the craftsmanship.