Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Being Original is not Easy

For a brand to be original and to protect its identity from plagiarism is tough. It is believed for years that originals are always costly and hence many even if they desire to own it they can not afford to do so. 

At the recent indiblogger meet at Fortune Park JP Celestial hotel in Bangalore revolved around the theme "Original Copy" and was sponsored by HP. The event was attended by around 200 bloggers and various contests were organised where one could win from original books, pen drives and the HP Printers. As the event progressed, HP showed the way in how to be original in the printer cartridges and also protect its identity. They shared with the participants:
  • It may be expensive to buy the original, but in the long run it does help as cost of maintenance is minimum. So with original you get high return on investment when compared to the fake.
  • Cartridge prices have been sliced to nearly half of the prices earlier, so they are more affordable now.
  • The unique QR Code can be verified using the application loaded on your smart phone. Fake is expected not to come up with this. 

Three cheers to HP for showing the way how to protect one from plagiarism.  But for us bloggers apart from this the other attraction at the event is being able to meet so many faces behind the blogs whom you know only by their name. Here again you get to meet the original people behind this creative blogs rather than knowing them  only on the internet.

However, I also say that it is not easy to copy and fool every one around you as though you are the original. The images on this post related to HP are from as I had not taken any snaps at the event. 


  1. The original has guaranty and they long stand for sure. Hope u guys had good time

  2. Informative post. Thanks for sharing.It is always advisable to go for Quality rather than Price

  3. It was really a fun event for sure. Sad I didn't get to speak to you at all. Hopefully in the next meet, I shall definitely correct that. Very nicely you have summed up the event, Sir. :)

  4. Good Info , Thanks for sharing

  5. Nice to read your post. Thanks a lot.

  6. The event was a well organised one. Glad got to meet you, nice recap here.

  7. nice account . . i would love to make it to the meet one day :)

  8. I missed meeting you. The event was really loads of fun and laughter!
