Monday, August 17, 2015

Fortem do Mar, Diu

The majestic Portuguese Fort in Diu better known as the Fortem do Mar at the eastern tip of the Diu. Built in 1535 by Portuguese during their colonial rule of the Diu island this fort was known to provide a strategic vantage point against enemy attacks. The original fortification was constructed under Nuno-da-Cunha and was later rebuilt by the Viceroy D Joao-de-Castro after 1546 AD.

The fort is entered through double gateways, one after the outer moat and the other after the inner moat. The gateways have impressive Portuguese plaques and sculptures of lions.

The fort is one of India’s best-known Portuguese military architecture. The fortified walls consist of 7 bastions on which guns are mounted.

The fort built along the Arabian Sea coastline is surrounded by sea on three sides. It is circular in shape having 20 feet high and 12 feet thick walls with double moats, an outer moat and an inner moat. 

There are a few ruined churches found inside the fort. They are simple in appearance and meant for the resident officers to prey. The fort with its double moat, a splendid array of cannons, small chapels. The notable places of interest in the fort are:
  • St. George bastion
  • St. Luzia Bastion
  • St. Tiago Bastion & Chapel
  • Lighthouse
  • Canons of the Fort


  1. Amazing fortress. It must ave taken a great deal of planning to organise the costruction of this building - especially involving several moats.

  2. Nice fort with beautiful vistas.

  3. Hello, great shots of the fort. I like the coastline and cute parrot too. Have a happy day!

  4. Picturesque architecture.

  5. Sounds like an interesting place to visit! Well built to withstand the salty ambiance... Great capture and collage photos

  6. Anonymous20:17
    Linking up for mosaic mondays

    It looks a great place and full of history.
    I'm sure it is a well known tourist place.
    perhaps very windy from the top!

  7. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing!

  8. What a fascinating old fort, Rajesh!! I would love to visit there, but your photos are the next best thing, as always!! And thanks, as always, for sharing your world with us!! Hope you have a great new week!

  9. Perfect location for a fort.

  10. Wow, this is a different post. I don't recall seeing a military fort before here on your blog but I may be wrong. This is nice.

  11. Hi Rajesh,
    This is a superb share.
    That Fort was well fortified, with water on 3 sides.
    That it was built in the 1500s is remarkable.
    Nice detail in photos and lovely write-up!
    Have a Happy Week!
    Peace :)

  12. Anonymous09:51

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  13. Very interesting post.

  14. I so love seeing olden forts like this...
    I enjoyed your photos and your writing. Happy Ruby

  15. Lovely fort,but so neglected by the government,sad!

  16. Marvelous, as always....

  17. Love the archways and the sea below the fort ~ Great shots for OWT ~

    Happy week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  18. Wonderful shots - I love how the fort hugs the cliffs over the ocean.

  19. Wow! Those walls are huge! Great set of photos.

  20. I have been here. India has so many beautiful forts

  21. It's like a tour through India with every post...Interesting!

  22. Diu is so much on my list. Sigh! Too many places to visit, too little time.
    BeatAboutThe Book

  23. Wonderful fort! Always fun to wander through them.

  24. I like wandering around old forts because they always have amazing views of the countryside from the ramparts. It looks an impenetrable structure.

  25. Fantastic photos of this amazing and beautiful historic fort! I enjoyed seeing it very much!

  26. What a wonderful place! It looks like it would take up a lot of time to wander about.

  27. Looks like a maze and I can't help but imagine that your boys loved this place ... If they were allowed to run and hide in it.

  28. Firstly my apologies for a late comment, i have been far to busy repairing my blog after a moval from one host to another... and taking care of other things that needed to be taken care of since my husband and i have health issues at the same time.

    Although i am not a traveller, because i get homesick realy quick.. your photographs make me want to go there

    have a nice weekend

    Melody (abc-w-team)

  29. Impressive...nice pictures... :-)

  30. Beautiful place, nicely captured.
