Saturday, January 30, 2016

Lothal Dockyard

Lothal with ancient civilization that is nearly 4000 years has still has some traces of the past. This place has world's earliest known dock that connected the city to an ancient course of the Sabarmati river on the trade route between Harappan cities in Sindh and the peninsula of Saurashtra.

Even today we can see a part of this dockyard. It was located away from the main river to avoid deposition of silt. This was the earliest known dock found in the world, equipped to berth and service ships.

It is possible that people in those days studied tidal movements, and their effects on brick-built structures, since the walls are of kiln-burnt bricks.

It was a vital and thriving trade center in ancient times, with its trade of beads, gems and valuable ornaments reaching the far corners of West Asia and Africa. 


  1. I always find your posts very interesting Rajesh. To consider how old these bricks are is amazing. And you managed to get some Gulls in the shots for Saturday's Critters too. Hope you have a great weekend

  2. Very interesting !

  3. Such an interesting post...a bit of history.


  4. Lindas fotografias!
    Bom domingo! Boa semana!
    ✿゚ه° ·.

  5. Anonymous07:54

    It is just amazing to think of a civilization being that old. Lovely images.

  6. Wow this is amazing!

  7. Very interesting place

  8. nice pictures...

  9. Interesting place and also great knowing this ancient dock, and its parts still existing!

  10. Lothal , I have heard about it and read about the history. It is so nice ti imagine about the ancient people by seeing these people.

  11. Interesting post, sweet birds!
