Friday, February 26, 2016

Flowering Trees - Copper Pod

Bangalore is slowly changing from the Garden City to concrete jungle. However, some of the trees that helped it to earned its name, still adorn the streets of Bangalore. One such tree is beautiful Copper Pod flower tree. The name comes from the coppery-red seed cases that are seen in profusion.

The ground under the tree is strewn with a carpet of the yellow petals and is sight to behold. 

This is a semi-evergreen tree that bears clusters of yellow flowers at the end of the branches, together with dark green leaves. The tree is large and very shapely.

It is pleasure to move on the streets of Bangalore with all the trees around you.


  1. This is the third time I am trying to comment on your blog. Goggle is out to get me these days. Earlier it would not let me even bring up your pictures. It is so frustrating. What I was saying was it is so sad that Bangalore is becoming a concrete jungle. It is so sad to see beautiful plants and trees get lost to the big city. These pictures are beautiful, but I love yellow. They put a smile on y face.

  2. It is sad that beautiful Bangalore is turning into a concrete jungle. I hate to see the beautify of things like these plants being lost. I tried to comment earlier, but Goggle would not let me bring up the pictures. I am having the worst time with them.

  3. They are glorious!

  4. I have seen these trees at some place in my neighborhood and I’m sure there much be plenty in Bangalore. Very beautiful captures!

  5. These bushes look amazing, I'd love to see them in person....
    Happy Weekend!

  6. Sigh, it is sad that concrete it taking over Bangalore. I would much rather see these beautiful yellow trees abound. Have a nice week-end.
    JM, Illinois-U.S.A.

  7. are these trees Acacia's? Lovely photos!

  8. Lovely floral and nature shots ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  9. They are beautiful trees! I love the cheery yellow color, I can jut imagine the carpet of petals underneath!

  10. Anonymous11:56

    very nice

    Tidal River

  11. Very eye soothing pics, nice clicks.

  12. After being a hub of IT professionals , it will really turned to concrete jungle.

  13. Lovely signs of spring. May these colours live long in Bangalore.

  14. This flower has some beautiful memories from our childhood!
