Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Images of India - 100

A glimpse of India in black and white. These are the shots that I had taken while on my to office and I am not proud of content.

In India, the smoking by girls is not as common as that by the boys. Here a girl was busy smoking in the car when every other passenger in the car were not smoking.

It is unfortunate that knowing very well "Smoking is Injurious for Health" people continue to indulge in smoking.


  1. My friend has a sister who is dying of lung disease caused by smoking. She is in her 50's an on oxygen all the time now. Both of them continue to smoke. I simply don't understand them.

    Thank you for sharing at

  2. I suppose it could have been worse, at least she is leaning out of the window!

  3. The air we breathe around us is more toxic than the cigarette the girl is smoking ! Unfortunate but true.

  4. Cool shots!
    My post at:

  5. I've never smoked, but I know people who do and it becomes a very addictive habit. Great pictures.

  6. It is astonishing how many people still smoke. The saddest to me is when I go for a doctor's appointment and patients and even nurses stand outside the hospital smoking… well and young people smoking… maybe sadder. Great black and white photos though.

  7. At least she's doing her best to smoke out of the window. It's a busy scene.

  8. Nowadays, sitting is declared as equivalent to smoking. Both devoid fresh oxygen.

  9. though it is common for me to see women smoking but nevertheless men or women it equally disturbs me
