Thursday, June 22, 2017

Sursagar Lake, Vadodara

Sursagar Lake at Vadodara is right in the middle of the city. The lake has held the water in one place with the help of stone banks and masonry and as a result it is full of water throughout the year.

In case the lake overflows to control the water several underground gates have been constructed to empty the lake. Water from these gates gushes to Vishwamitri river, which flows through the City. 

The Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan has intalled a 120 ft tall statue of Lord Shiva in standing posture in Year 2002, in the middle of this lake. 


  1. the Vishwamitr river overflows into the city every year and crocodiles are stranded in the city.

  2. How different. One time in the middle of a lake I hooked a telephone wire. Let's see a religious artifact or a man made artifact....I choose religious artifact. I wouldn't want to hook it just be around it. Nice photograph!

  3. Wonderful construction of the statue in the middle of a lake! Nice shots

  4. What a wonderful lake to have in this city.

  5. Wow, what a gigantic statue in the middle of the lake. That is amazing.

  6. Great statue of Lord Shiva _()_
    Awesome photos.

  7. Wow - that is an amazing statue!

  8. No half measures here.

  9. what an amazing place- the statue is lovely with all the water around it.

  10. Oh, my! What an amazing statue Lord Shiva is!
