Saturday, January 21, 2017

Common Mynah at Gir

In Gir Sanctuary went for Safari in an open jeep and we could see some birds flying around. We spotted few Common Mynah in the forest.

It has brown body with a black hooded head. It has bare yellow patch behind the eye with bright yellow bill and legs. It has a white patch on the outer primaries.

It is a omnivorous bird and feeds on insects, arachnids, reptiles, small mammals, seeds, grain and fruits and discarded waste from human habitation. 


  1. Hi Rajesh-
    I love the first photo very much.
    Mynah is possibly also related to the Starling, which we find commonly in the US.
    Nicely done!
    Have a Happy Weekend!!
    Peace :)

  2. Ah! I know that bird well. They were introduced here in Australia over 100 years ago and have spread across the south east of the country. They are excellent talkers. Better than parrots.

  3. Nice one I have seen in Honolulu and Queensland :) It moves around :)

  4. That's a pretty little bird.

  5. Lovely nature shots of the lovely bird ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  6. I remember in India how Mynahs were quite common. Here I think some people keep them as cage bird as thay are good mimics.

  7. I love your bird photos.

  8. fabulous birds always

  9. We saw a couple common Mynas here in Florida once -- apparently they were brought here as pets and then either escaped or turned loose. It was funny because I looked and looked in my bird books to try to find out what they were -- since they are not native to the US they were not in any of my books. It's warm here so they probably did OK out in the wild.

  10. An interesting bird - and to us,not at all common!
    Thanks for sharing this ...

  11. Great photos of the Mynah. They have begun to colonize around this area.

  12. An interesting bird and great photos.
