Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Poetry in Stone - 32

This is thirty-second  in the series on the rich cultural heritage of ancient temples in India. There are various intricate sculptures in each of these temples where each one of them is better than the other.

On the East Gate of Great Stupa of Sanchi has beautiful sculptures of elephants at the top side. The close up of the elephants shows skillfully carved cloth coverings and other details.

Dashavatara in Ellora has a sculpture of Mahadeva in his terrible form. The gigantic figure lounges forward holding up his elephant hide, with a necklace of skulls depending below is loins, while with his trishul he has transfixed one victim. 

To add to the elements of horror, Kali, gaunt and grim, stretches her skeleton length below, with huge mouth, having a crooked knife in her right hand, and stretching out the other with a bowl as if wanting a share of the victims blood.

At Sun Temple of Modhera, on the step of the Surya Kund directly opposite the temple, a small shrine has Vishnu on Shesh Shaiya. 


  1. Different sculptures...I guess these belong to different periods too.

  2. Amazing sculptures.

  3. Incredible narrative and details there! Well observed

  4. So amazing how those stones were carved. I really like the first photo since I am a fan of elephants. #TPThursday

  5. Wow - so gorgeous!

  6. Amazing carvings!
    Happy weekend ahead!

  7. Wow, lovely captures with good derails. I'm yet to go to Gujarat.

  8. Nice details ...

  9. Amazing shots especially the 3rd one. Hope to visit mine too.

  10. I always think your Poetry in Stone posts could not get more beautiful and intricate, but they always do! Those elephants are amazing!
