Monday, January 10, 2011

Mysore Zoo

Mysore (State: Karnataka) the heritage city is located at a distance of 145 kms from Bangalore. Here there are various tourist attractions. One among them is Mysore Zoo. Established in 1892, it is one of the oldest and most popular zoos in India. It is home to a wide range of wild species. Officially the zoo is named as Shri Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens, named after the founder of the zoo.

This is one of the well maintained place, where animals are well taken care of. This is a nice place for the kids to get know about the various wild species. The trip through the zoo consumes more than half a day.

For closer look at the animals at the zoo: Elephants, Lion, Giraffe, White Tiger, Zebra, White Peacock, Rhino, Peacock, Sauras Crane, Monkey, Black Swan


  1. Very nice place and great pics.

  2. I love visiting the zoo!

  3. Anonymous01:33

    Glad to see the animals are well taken care of. It saddens me though to see them behind wire...

  4. Marvelous captures as always and I do love your mosaic! Beautiful zoo! Have a wonderful week, Rajesh!


  5. Your world is really beautiful! I can understand that kids love this zoo!

  6. Still enjoying my tour of India. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. If animals must be in a zoo it is nice to know they are well taken care of. Thank you for sharing this interesting collection of animal photos. I’m sure the children get much pleasure from getting acquainted with these amazing creatures.

  8. Anonymous02:25

    i also visit a blog about mysore and i wonder how it got its name. it has a pretty unique namen.

  9. That's a very old zoo, by Canadian standards, Rajesh, and it looks lovely. I'm sure a visit could take a full day if you let it.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. Hi Rajesh, I see it's still sunny and beautiful in your part of the World! That's really an old Zoo - I like the mosaic you've made of it.

  11. Very good pictures Rajesh. I never thought about a Zoo there!

  12. That's good that the animals are cared for well here. Looks like a fun place to visit.

  13. My children always enjoyed a trip to the zoo when they were young. This looks like a very wonderful zoo.

  14. Celebrities adopt the animals here, that is one good way of looking after this. Great collage Rajesh.

  15. it is a well maintained zoo

  16. nice one there thanks for visiting my page i added you and following kindly follow me back wink there

  17. I love zoos, even thigh I ma ab it divided over the idea of keeping animals in captivity - still, they are away of educating our kids about animals and let us see animals we might never ever see otherwise.;) It has been ages since I have been in a zoo, time to make a visit.;)

  18. i enjoy visiting zoos and glad that the animals are well taken care of.

  19. I have been there years ago... truly a wonderful zoo with many wild animals.

  20. Zoos are always interesting places to visit, although I will always be scared of crocs, gators and snakes. This one you featured, built in 1892 --- well to me the older, the more interesting :)

  21. Hi, Rajesh :-)

    Thanks for your informative post once again. Been following since last year. Always read about your posts of wondrous architectures, and fascinating places of India. An Malaysian Indian friend of mine just when there for a visit. Backpacking around India for a month. A place very rich in culture, it was an eye opener. Hope to one day come myself too.

    See you in Skywatch Friday soon.
    Have a nice day Rahesh.


  22. it's all happenin' at the zoo!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  23. Lovely place Mysore with a rich heritage too!!

  24. who does not like to visit the Zoo? I think everybody does. :)

  25. you send a reaction while I was looking on your Blog Rajesh, how is it possible.

    Beautiful animal photos, very nice collage

    Have a nice week,
    Greetings, Bram

    Link to My Word Tuesday post!

    Seen on My World Tuesday

  26. A nice zoo and a wonderful way for people to see animals they would only see in books or TV.

  27. This zoo appears to give animals lots of space. I like that.

  28. Children love zoos and this looks a good one to visit. I like your collage :-)

  29. aloha,

    looks like a fun place to see the various animals, love the pavilion.

  30. I love visiting the zoo, my favorite animal is the Giraffe.

  31. That is a wonderful collage of Zoo pictures.

  32. Neat place. I do believe our zoos are an attempt to hold onto our wild souls.

  33. Zoos can be fun to visit as well as educational.
    Haven't visited nor done ABC for awhile since I had shoulder surgery in November; healing nicely, tho!

  34. Somehow after venturing to forests & sanctuaries, zoos do not attract my attention any more.. :(
    My 100th post - Dedicated to all

  35. Great-looking collage! And I do like zoos. And this looks like va very nice one.

  36. Wow, such a beautiful place to visit.Lovely photos.

  37. Thanks to all for appreciating this wonderful zoo.

  38. Since I haven't been to a zoo in years, I got to visit one today - yours! Nice zoo. Thanks for sharing.

  39. I love visiting zoos and it is wonderful knwoing that they are being weel cared for. Great photos, Rajesh

  40. I enjoyed visiting the zoo!

  41. It looks like a very nice zoo.

  42. Lovely photos. I love visiting the zoo.

  43. Kids love the zoo and I am a big kid. Wonderful.

  44. Fascinating place and fabulous collage of pics!

  45. one of the best zoos after the padmaja naidu zoo in darjeeling and Napier zoo

  46. Remember being here once as a little child.

    All i can remember is the sight of the chimp in a deep pit.

    Thanks for bringing back old memories.

  47. love animals:)

  48. Oh I visited Mysore last year. But I don't know about this zoo. I missed it.

  49. It's a really good zoo and you can adopt actually do something, actively, for them.

  50. Thanks to all for appreciating this wonderful zoo.

    Yes, people can adopt a animal here.
