Monday, September 19, 2011

Devi Jagadambi Temple, Khajuraho

The Devi Jagadambi Temple is one of the oldest temple in Khajuraho (State: Madhya Pradesh). Belonging to Western Group of Temples it is smaller when compared to Lakshmana Temple, Vishwanath Temple and Kandaria Mahadeva Temple. It is built by the kings of dynasty in the middle of 11th century.

Carved beautifully it is on the same platform as Kandaria Mahadeva Temple. Smaller in size, it is much more delicately proportioned temple.

It is decorated with some of the finest sculptures in three bands around the temple. The carvings are exquisite.

The images of deities set into prominent places in the temple's exterior, so they were functioning as more than mere decoration.

There is a big sculpture of a warrior fighting with a lion bare handed at the entrance of the temple. This is the symbol of Chandela Dynasty.


eileeninmd said...

Beautiful shots of the temple, Rajesh! the sculpture is really cool. Great photos.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Once again you have taken some unique and exotic photos...I feel like I travel some place far away when I visit your blog.

genie said...

Oh, my goodness...this one is one of the most elaborate you have sown us lately. It is mind boggling in its stunning architecture. How in the world did the people build these temples? They must have worked on them their entire lives. The carvings and sculptures are awesome. genie

Mary said...

Oh my goodness, how beautiful! I can only imagine the amount of work that went into creating such a fabulous work of art! Thanks for shariang at MM. :)

Kavita Saharia said...

Breathtaking carvings !

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What intricate sculptures! This is a very beautiful temple.

Anuradha Shankar said...

lovely photos!

Peter said...

Nice pictures have a nice week ;)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you! Cathy

Kusum said...

Beautiful temple.

joshi daniel said...

nice looking and cool work!

Jeevan said...

Marvelous sculptors and carvings! Very beautiful, esp. liked the lion one.

Lowell said...

So intricate and beautiful!

Zuzana said...

India must truly be such a versatile country and there is so much to see, as as long as I have read your blog, you have never ever posted the same things.;)

Teacup-In-The-Garden said...

Thanks for sharing this nice mosaic!
Have a good week,

Sylvia K said...

Such exquisite carvings!! Marvelous captures as always, Rajesh! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Have wonderful week!


Carver said...

The carving on the temple is fantastic and I also love the large sculpture at the entrance.

Unknown said...

Hard to believe the detail!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Penelope Notes said...

Fighting a lion bare handed would take incredible bravery which I suppose is what that Dynasty sought to portray.

Ebie said...

I want to visit this part of the world, full of ancient history and art.

Such intricate details!

Liz said...


My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Maria @ LSS said...

Amazing photos!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hard to believe that it is a *SMALLER* temple. It looks so ornate and beautiful. Lovely seeing those statues set in to the posts.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome photos ~ beautiful! ~ Great for RT ~ namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

Arija said...

Another of your very beautiful temples that you are sharing with Our World today, thank you.

Kay L. Davies said...

What an amazing statue of the warrior fighting the lion barehanded.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Cafe au lait said...

These are amazing. Happy RT!

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Anonymous said...

That's a magnificent temple and sculpture!

Vernz said...

it's just amazing how these pieces have survived until this days.. we've enjoyed it.. nice one Rajesh..

alicesg said...

Fantastic view of the temple. Temple is one of the place to learn your culture. The designs and statues are really very well crafted.

eileeninmd said...

More wonderul temple and carvings, Rajesh! Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos from your world.

Hariharan Valady said...

The sculpture of the warrior fighting with the lion is excellent.

Roger Owen Green said...

magnificent, yet again.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

amazing temple shots.
how thoughtful.

Maude Lynn said...

The carvings are stunning!

Nanka said...

Gorgeous and stunning photography!! Love it!!

Karen said...

Such inticate detail! Beautiful.

Kim, USA said...

Very beautiful temple view Rajesh.


Joy said...

It is beautifully proportioned, the towers and the rising rows of carving is a wonder.

Larry D said...

The sculptures there are amazing!

Leslie: said...

Such beautiful, intricate carvings! Have a wonderful week,

abcw team

Chronicles of Illusions said...

what an incredible place - I love the photos - great shots

Indrani said...

Great captures.
I visited during the analog days.

Anonymous said...

Marvelous. I cannot imagine the talent of those great sculptures.

A place I wish to visit from my school days. Hopefully one day...

Beautiful post and excellent pictures.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Fascinating work of art!

eden said...

Wow, impressive. Love the beautiful carvings. Beautiful shots.

mrsnesbitt said...

Beautiful - a world away which I would never have known - but thanks to your stunning posts you bring the experience into my home. Thanks so much.
Denise ABC Team

Sudhir R said...

Symbol of much similar to Hoysalas. Waiting to visits these monuments

MaR said...

Magnificent as always and always a joy to visit :)
J is for ...

Anonymous said...

heard lot abt ths place...Sigh!!! amazing sculptures...

Cheryl said...

I'm visiting you first today, Rajesh. I knew you'd have exquisite photos and you did not fail me. The temple's exterior is delicate and intricate. I could sit and study this for days, if not weeks, and still not see everything. And you know so much about your subject matter. Thank you for visiting.

Aakash Kokz said...

Loved the pics, the temples are so very beautiful.

Jackie said...

Magnificent sculptures, you should fill a book with these photo's.

linksdistodaquilo said...

Follow scent and found this space.
To know someone here and there ... ...

A kiss of Nita. Today, good night!

genie said...

As always, a real pleasure to see. It looks like there night be some scaffolding in the last picture...hope parts are not falling into disrepair. genie

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating the wonderful architecture of this temple.

POOJA... said...

went there many times...
so thank you so much for refreshing memories... :)

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful temple and details in your photos.

Regards and best wishes

Arti said...

Wonderful! Impressive architectural work all around. Great captures!

Jen..The Butterfly Effect said...

Super duper shots!! I love I LOVE!! :)

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating the temple.