Monday, September 12, 2011

Ibrahim Roza - Tomb, Bijapur

The Ibrahim Roza complex located in the western outskirts of the Bijapur (State: Karnataka) city. Built sometime in 16th century, it comprises of a tomb and mosque. We have already seen the details of and now for the tomb.

The tomb has perfect domes that is topped with crescent moons. There are symmetrical minarets on four corners of the tomb.
The tomb is 13 meters square with the ceiling that is divided into nine squares with curved sides.

Steps are provided to approach the raised platform on which the two structures (tom and mosque) have been built.
The tomb is for the ruler of Bijapur, Ibrahim Adil Shah II, his two sons and his mother.


SandyCarlson said...

Always, I marvel at the beauty, the engineering, and the dreaming that go into the structures that fill your posts. Wow!

ಅಶ್ವಿನಿ/ Ashwini said...

Nice Pictures Rajesh!

Jeevan said...

Great structure! I still remember reading about this place.

Sridharan said...

Wow.. I feel like visiting this place/ Well captured.

Travel France Online said...

Such a beautiful building. I wonder if it makes dying easier if you know that you'll be resting in such a grand place for eternity???!!!:))

Beertje Zonn said...

Beautiful photos!

Beertje Zonn

Bikram said...

Wow looks goood .. I do wish though that our Govt. does something to keep these places in all their glory and shine ..


Sylvia K said...

Beautiful! Another delightful look at your world, Rajesh, and it is always fascinating! Thank you for sharing it with us!


EG CameraGirl said...

I especially like your photo through the arch of the other arches!

Jackie said...

Fantastic architecture, they certainly knew how to build beautiful structures in those days, and they were built to last centuries. Great photo's too.

Carver said...

I love seeing the building through the arch in the second shot. Beautiful place.

B i r g i t t a said...

What a great work and architecture! Is anyone taking care of the tomb nowerdays?

Kay L. Davies said...

Very interesting, Rajesh!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

eileeninmd said...

Rajesh, you have the most beautiful temples there. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing your world.

lotusleaf said...

Beautiful pictures!

Arija said...

A magnificent edifice for the dead. One could wish the living were equally well housed today.
A very beautiful piece of history.

Indrani said...

Yes, a great monument.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's good to see the 'big picture' too as well as the intricate details.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos, delicious colors, I like these shots. The Ibrahim Roza spectacular.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing place. Love the framing in that second shot.

alicesg said...

Wow the tomb is very grand. Love the second photo, viewing from the archway.

Aarti said...

beautiful.. have seen and read about this place on the net, yet to visit...

Rajesh- btw, been wanting to mail you and tried sending one to but it failed.. please send me a test mail to aaroo4 at gmail dot com pls.. Thank you :)

P.N. Subramanian said...

The tomb is a grand piece of architecture. Lovely photos.

joshi daniel said...

nice perspective!

Zuzana said...

Beautiful, what a way to celebrate life after dead.

NatureFootstep said...

this is a tomb? Great artisteri I think.


Enchanting as always. Love the second photo a lot.

Al said...

That is extraordinary, it must be even more impressive when you're there.

LifeRamblings said...

such a beautiful piece of structure.

Roger Owen Green said...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gattina said...

Again such a beautiful architecture !

Mel Cole said...

I like the dome :) I like buildings with those. Wish I could receive a postcard. BTW, I'm your new follower in GFC, and hope you can follow me and visit my RT as well.

Nanka said...

A piece of History revisited!! Marvelous structure with series of arches!! Perfect mathematical construction!!

Karen said...

Always great photos and information!

Joy said...

Very impressive, love the gardens surrounding in your linked post, it looks so green and peaceful.

genie said...

More phenomenal lasting and beautiful. Would love to visit it. genie

Chubskulit Rose said...

Another interesting piece of India!

Inspector Hector is my letter I. Hope you can drop by!

Barb said...

The intricacy of the architecture you show us is amazing!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Fascinating and compelling as always.

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Superb...the place looks awesome!

Kusum said...

Wanting to visit Bijapur but never happened. Nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

looks like taj mahal somehow...very nice place...

Liz Hinds said...

Magnificent architecture.

Reader Wil said...

This tomb is a tribute to the ruler and his family. It's poetry in stone. How clever architects were at the time of its building.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating the beautiful architecture of tomb.

Pietro Brosio said...

So fascinating!

sush said...

there is a certain charisma in these bijapur tombs and the name of the place lets out the smell of the sukha roti with chana I ate there in shcool days and cant still get over:-)

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures and another superb information about a lovely travelling place of India

Rajesh said...

Thank you for appreciating this ancient structure.