Monday, September 5, 2011

Hebbal Lake, Bangalore

Hebbal Lake is located in north Bangalore. It is on your left while one dives to Bangalore International Airport. It occupies around 150 acres and has beautiful garden on one side of the lake. It is created by building bunds to hold the water of natural valley system.

The habitat is favored by many species of water birds including large waterbirds such as the Spot-billed Pelican, Eurasian Spoonbill, Shoveller, Pintail, Garganey, Little Grebe, Coot and Spot-billed Duck.

In the morning time the park by the lake side is buzzing with lot of activity: jogging, exercise, birding. Fishing can also be done if adequate permissions or contracts are there.

The park has lot of variety of flowery trees and plants. The park looks colorful with these flowers.

This lake was established by Kempe Gowda, the founder of the city.


black eyed susans kitchen said...

This is such a unique and exotic place...good pictures!

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Very nice pictures. Have a wonderful week. :)

Teamgsquare said...

Amazing snaps .

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like an interesting place! The collage is impressive and even the one that you have on the header of your blog....:)

Have a nice day!

BernieH said...

I wouldn't mind a walk around this area as it seems like it's full of terrific wildlife and plants. Lovely mosaics.

Cloudia said...


Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >


Elettra said...

these photos are magnificent!

Travel France Online said...

Seems like a lovely place!

Zuzana said...

Lovely collage and it seems like a lovely place to be at.;))

joo said...

Beautiful place and lovely photos!

Snap said...

Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

Kavita Saharia said...

Nice captures .Thanks.

sush said...

your blog always makes me nostalgic. I miss the blore life.
Beautiful post.

Jim said...


Sylvia K said...

What a lovely park, Rajesh! And delightful captures as always! I do love the flowers! Hope you have a great week!


Indrani said...

Great sights around.

Barb said...

Such beauty in wildlife and blooms, Rajesh! Hebbal Lake looks like a relaxing place to visit and be in Nature.

Hilary said...

Looks so lovely.

Anonymous said...

What a great place - an oasis away from one's busy urban life. Great shots!

Arija said...

A beautiful place indeed. I love the honey-eater in the first shot. Well done.

Gattina said...

That must be a very beautiful place !

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos, Rajesh! The lakes and birds are beautiful. Looks like a great place to visit. Thanks for sharing.

Bob Bushell said...

That is fabulous.

LifeRamblings said...

beautiful mosaic. looks like a wonderful place to spend the day.

My Unfinished Life said...

I have been to Hebbal lake, it is indeed beautiful!!!!
in fact, as part of my masters study, we did a project on the natural resources of bangalore...and had visited all the places on the outskirts of the city..we simply loved the rural areas of bangalore!!!

Kay L. Davies said...

Hebbal Lake sounds very intriguing, Rajesh, especially with all those birds. Thanks for telling us about it.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Roger Owen Green said...

lovely, as always
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

That looks like a beautiful place to hang out.

photowannabe said...

The Lake park looks like a beautiful place to enjoy the day. I'm glad its a wonderful habitat for plants and animals.

George said...

This looks like a beautiful park and lake. I really like your collage of scenes from the park.

Nanka said...

Excellent photography and you made me homesick!! Great post!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I always enjoy my visits to your blog and learning more about India's beauty!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful critters.

My ABC is about the Humongous Coke in Disney.

genie said...

What a lovely spot for going birding or fishing...or even for just a simple little walk with your camera in tow. Your mosaic turned out beautifully. genie

Anonymous said...

nice place to visit....


Hazel said...

A lake that buzzes with activity is always interesting.

Pietro Brosio said...

Very fine pictures, beautiful collage too!

NatureFootstep said...

sounds like a great place for birding. :)

Shooting Parrots said...

Must be a great place to relax.

Anonymous said...

sch a serene place...hope u guz enjoyed fishing...

Ash said...

Very nice images!

Francisca said...

Nice to walk around Hebbal Lake with you, Rajesh! Lots of foliage and fowl and fish even to enjoy.

Sanand said...

This is my first visit to your blog. As I love to travel to new places, I think i will keep visiting your blog. This post is very interesting as I never knew about a place like this in B'lore. Keep posting such useful, informative posts. Thank you!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great place -- I love to see natural areas within a City. Great for birds, animals, and people too. Thank you.

Maude Lynn said...

Great shots!

Joy said...

Just the place to go to recover from air travel. A precious piece of nature for all to enjoy.

Dyanna said...

That first shot is SO beautiful!
Thanks for posting

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we have Australian Coots here, I wonder if they are the same as yours.

Jeevan said...

Beautiful. Thanks for let knowing about the activities the hebbal lake holds.

Cheryl said...

Very nice captures.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Rajesh! I love your birds and the flowers. What a nice place to visit. Thanks for sharing.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all. I am glad you all liked this space.

Anonymous said...

Such pretty photos! I would love to visit India one day. My niece is traveling to India next month.

Kim, USA said...

AWEsome shot Rajesh!


Liz said...

Lovely captures. Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC

Anonymous said...

lovely pics and superb post

Sujatha Sathya said...

hebbal lake! yay! near my house :)

loved going thru this post

Akshay Kumar G said...

Beautiful pics.

subhorup dasgupta said...

Thanks for this lovely, though brief, post. It took me back to my days in Bangalore more than 14 years back now, and how the entire airport region used to be then!!! God bless you.

Seema said...

lovely pictures.....thanks for sharing.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all. I am glad you all liked this space.