Monday, December 21, 2009

Bhimbetka Prehistoric Art

Apart from the cave paintings of Bhimbetka which are old as 10000 B.C, that were seen in earlier post there are plenty more paintings that are very colorful and artistic.

Auditorium Cave is a spacious horizontal tunnel about 25m in length, ending in a cathedral-like hall that opens in three directions. At the center of this junction visible from all four entrances is a large rock, 2.5m high and 3.4m wide, called Chief's Rock.

On the left side wall of the East passage into Auditorium cave there are paintings on the walls. They are red in color. The prominent figures are that of cattle, goat, deer, hand prints, and double bar.

One can see another beautiful cave painting in the nearby cave. This is located in a elevated region. There are two sets of paintings in this caves. At the lower bottom they are in white color and the top are in the red color. In the above one can see figures of people riding the horse as if they are going for a war.


Zuzana said...

This is utterly intriguing. Imagine walking past these walls, witnessing the art of prehistoric man. This will never cease to fascinate me. Thank you for sharing.;)

Sumandebray said...

It is very interesting to see these nice sketches by our predecessor. These are very simple and figurative forms of drawings which leaves a lot to our imagination. It sets me wonder was is a quick "white board" sketch done to discuss some kind of strategy or it was meant to be an "artwork" done in leisure and was meant to last as long as it did.
Whatever might be the reason but it surely connects us to our past!!
It is great that you are sharing these with us.

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful Caves with fantastic carvings !! Rajesh this is absolutely amazing..Would be traveling to M.P in March 2010.Will surely visit this place.Thank you.

joshi daniel said...

wow! cool! merry christmas!

Blessing Reflection said...

Caves are interesting features of nature, very nice photos and info. Thanks for the visit!

Carver said...

Your posts are so informative and I enjoyed seeing this amazing art so much.

Anonymous said...

I really love ancient writings on the wall/hieroglyphics. I would not be surprised if there are more and more of these found in India.

Happy Holidays.

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous post as always, Rajesh! I love reading all the history and your photos are terrific! Would love to walk there myself to see the beauty first hand!

Have a wonderful week!


Guy D said...

NOw that is what I call amazing art, excellent shots.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Carol said...

Very interesting information...would love to see this.

Jane said...

Great wall paintings, sounds like an interesting place. Thanks for sharing:)

Reader Wil said...

Fascinating to see traces from a dim and distant past, when people did not write but could give these messages by means of drawings. Great post!

Jim said...

Fascinating artwork.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rajesh: Wonderful captures of an important find in the cave.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that these are so well preserved!

Jossie said...

Interesting posting!

Snap said...

Fascinating post. I love rock paintings. Art at its best and oldest! Thanks!

SandyCarlson said...

I find the artwork fascinating.

Indrani said...

Great captures Rajesh.

magiceye said...


Linnea said...

How interesting. It's great that the drawings are so well preserved...such a fascinating world!

Inday said...

The relics recording of time. Lovely post.

Greener Bangalore said...

Oh! Bhimbetka is amazing Rajesh. wish i could make it one day and take some snaps.....great info...

Shell Sherree said...

I love seeing these cave paintings, Rajesh! {And thanks so much for stopping by.}

LadyFi said...

Amazing - and just look at that wrinkled rock!

Wolynski said...

Wow, amazing. But I guess you needed something to do in pre-television times - make up and record your own stories. Incredible.

Anya said...

Beautiful art :-)
Thanks for sharing !!

Lianne said...

how interesting! really makes me imagine what life was like back then.

Gattina said...

and the painting is still so visible ! it's just amazing.

Anonymous said...

just amazing!!! thank you for the series. very educational

Joe Todd said...

Maybe a prehistoric art school

Robin said...

Amazing, it's like you're stepping right back in time.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love prehistoric history and art... You have found some great paintings inside of that cave. WOW---totally amazing and awesome... Thanks for sharing.

George said...

I think it would be fascinating to see these paintings in person. The second photo is absolutely intriguing and beautiful.

penny said...

Thanks for the info and wonderful photos, Rajesh. I learn something new every time I visit you.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Holidays to you too.

Q said...

I love where you live!
So fantastic. I am in awe of the ways of people in pre-history.
Thank you for this post.

myonlyphoto said...

Fascinating art work.

Wishing you happy holidays and a happy new year 2010.

Thanks so much for good blogging year my friend.

Anna :)

yyam said...

Love the cave must have been intriguing to see them in person! Thanks for sharing!

eden said...

Great pictures and info.

thanks for sharing.

Merry Christmas

Pooch Purple Reign said...

thats great rajesh!
this is very interesting information and photos.

Kirigalpoththa said...


Thanks for sharing these with us..!!

tapirgal said...

Prehistoric art is so fascinating. Thanks for stopping by Tapirgal's Daily Image and introducing me to your site!

Unknown said...

Interesting !!!.Thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas & have a wonderful holiday.

radha said...

Makes you pause and wonder how life was in those days.

GMG said...

Hi Rajesh! 10,000 years... Amazing! Always learning!!

Blogtrotter is waiting for you in London! Enjoy and have a great holiday season!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Great place excellent shots!

Unknown said...

WOW - great post.

Merry Christmas/happy holidays.

Oman said...

Fellowship, feasting, giving and receiving gifts are all the buzzwords in a Christmas setting. Make your Christmas a one to cherish for years!

Anonymous said...

The whole idea of exploring caves and the underworld to find such treasures and to bring them to the light of day to appreciate the past in the present moment is absolutely cool and wonderful. So much to see and to relish within the universe. Keep on spilunking.

Anonymous said...

Interesting and informative.

Rajesh said...

Protege, Stine: Thanks, they have been preserved well.

Sumandebray: Thanks. Yes this paintings tell us about the lives of people in the past.

Joshi, Blessing, Carver, Sylvia, Guy, Reader, J Bar, Fishing Guy: Thanks for the appreciation.

Bharath: Thanks, it is a nice place. Tells us about those days.

ewok1993: Thanks, there are plenty in this region.

Indrani, Jossie, Snap, Sandy, magiceye, Bonnie, Greener, Shell, LadyFi: Thanks for the appreciation.

Carol, George: Thanks, it is a nice place to see.

Wolynski, Anya, Vaggelis, Joe, Betsy, Pam, Sherry, Anna, Eden, Laura: Thanks for the appreciation.

Linnea, Gattina, yyam: Thanks, they have been preserved well.

Lianne, Robin, Radha: Thanks. Yes this paintings tell us about the lives of people in the past.

Lawstude: Thank you.

Kirigalpoththa, tapgirl, Awang, GMG, Phivos, Evelyn, Natural, Deepak: Thanks for the appreciation.

EcoRover said...

Nice--interesting archaeological record of mounted warriors. They look much like the paintings of SW U.S., including the handprints.