Monday, February 22, 2010

Sister Rocks, Hampi

Hampi is a rock garden where you will see rocks for miles as far as your eyes can gaze. One can see rocks of all sizes and shapes all around. Some of them have given shape to construct beautiful temples and carvings. 

There are two such natural rocks which have been not given any shape and they can be seen even today as they were from ages. These rocks can be seen on the way to Kamalapur, which is 4 kms away from Hampi . The interesting aspect of these Sister Rocks (popularly known as Akka – Thangi Betta) is they lean against each other and touch each other only at the top tip. Local legend has it that two sisters were walking towards Hampi and the were very tired and the weather was very dry. As a result they insulted Hampi and they were cursed to become rocks.


Anuradha Shankar said...

very interesting! we indians are great, coming up with stories even for natural things....

Kirigalpoththa said...

Akka is elder sister?

Very ineteresting Rock!!

Tania said...

Great rocks! Looks like a nice place for some bouldering:-)

Zuzana said...

Very interesting rock formation and an enticing story to go with it.;)

Urmi said...

Very nice and interesting post. I was not aware of this sister rocks. Thanks for this useful information about the rocks and its history behind it.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Amazing beautiful nature!

Robin said...

What a shame to spend all eternity as a rock.

Makes a great photo opp though.

Tarun Mitra said...

ahh..beautiful picture...

Lowell said...

A story not unlike the one in the Hebrew Bible where Lot's wife turns into a block of salt because she disobeyed God.

Amazing structures!

Sumandebray said...

Power of Imagination...... a nice short stroy nevertheless

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including the legend with the photo! Wonderful.

Carver said...

The rock formations are amazing and I love learning about the legend.

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous, interesting post as always, Rajesh! Terrific shot and what interesting looking rocks! Love the local legend! Wishing you a great week!


Johnny Nutcase said...

I love big rocks and boulders! I couldn't resist playing on them, nice photo!

Eve said...

That sounds like a really interesting location! I would love to visit it eventually!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rajesh: What a neat look at the rock formations, very special.

LadyFi said...

I love the way they form a triangle.

Anonymous said...

oh i love all the legend that goes with this. i love rock formations and i hope you show more next time.

Anya said... :-)
Interesting post !!

Anonymous said...

I will only say nice things about Hampi!

Interesting rock formations. I'm fascinated by the stories that grow up around natural features like this.

Trotter said...

Hi Rajesh! Sorry for another long absence, but after a busy start of the year I decided to make a break during the Carnival week, anticipating new hard weeks ahead!!

Wow! What a awesome shot!!

Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is at sea. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!

Marites said...

intresting information..must be a beautiful place to see!

Carolyn Ford said...

Very interesting story to go along with this photo! Natural monuments like this, that have stood for so long, are mind boggling. Very nice post, as always.

SandyCarlson said...

That's incredible. Talk about leaning on your friends.

Snap said...

I love how the rocks look like they are balanced on each other. Wonderful, informative post.

Unknown said...

I love legends like this and they are cool rocks.

Catherine said...

lovely rock formations...

Indrani said...

Great capture!

Kichu $ Chinnu | കിച്ചു $ ചിന്നു said...

I always wanted to visit Hampi , but it is getin delayed always :(
and thanks for the story and the photo. HAd never heard abt it

Dirkjogt said...

Looks great, a nice area to spend some time.

Jenn said...

Lovely rock formation and nice legend behind it too.

Wolynski said...

Oh, those poor sisters. Remind me not to anger the gods. Amazing how they're still standing.

Unknown said...

Interesting story :). Nice rock formation...

Melusine said...

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

very beautiful and interesting too.

Ezhilan said...

The leaning rocks looks interesting! Wonderful place.

Louise said...

This is exactly the type of place I like to go and just absorb my surroundings. May daughters would love running around and hiding in a place like this,too. Great post!

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Rock garden!!!! Sounds very interesting place!!!!

Japa said...

Interesting rock formation. Neat capture

Ingrid said...

That's very strange and special !

radha said...

Names given to rocks can make them seem so alive! Really quite apt.

joshi daniel said...

very very interesting! the rocks should be really big!

Joe Todd said...

Great story and photos.

Rajesh said...

Anu: Thanks. People come up this kind of stories in all parts of world. May be in the olden days it was a method for scaring people from doing wrong.

Spiderdama, Protege, Babli, Phovos, Robin, Tarun, Rakesh, Sumandebray, Stine, Carver, Sylvia, Jhonny, Guy: Thanks for the appreciation.

Kirigalpoththa: Thanks. Yes, Akka means elder sister.

LadiFi, ewok1993, Anya, Wren, Trotter, Marites, Carolyn, Sandy, Snap, Sarah, Catherine, Indrani, J Bar, Dirk, Jenn, Wolynski: Thanks for the appreciation.

Jacob: Thanks. Nice to hear similar type of stories in other parts of world.

Eve, Kichu: Thanks, tis is a nice place worth a visit.

Evelyn, Melusine, Vaggelis, Arasu, Vicky, Japa, Gattina, Radha, Joshi, Joe, Linda: Thanks for the appreciation.

Louise: Thanks. There are rock hills of various shapes and sizes here. Kids will love it.

Deepak Acharya said...

superb !

Jeevan said...

That's nice story behind the rocks name!

Swetha said...

Hampi is an amazing place..
i really wanna go there at least once... i have read stories about it! thats a good shot

Tammie Lee said...

Oh these rocks are fantastic. I love big rocks, they would be fun to wander about.

Unknown said...

You know I love all man made beauties you've been showing us but this also is fantastic! Mother Nature at its best!

Rajesh said...

Swetha: Thanks, you must visit this place. You will definitely love it.

Deepak, Jeevan, Tanmmie, JM: Thanks for the appreciation.