Monday, March 22, 2010

George Castle, Shivpuri

Deep inside the Madhav National Park near Shivpuri, at the highest point is the turreted George Castle built by the King Jiyaji Rao Scindia. Here imported English tiles for the floors and stained glass for the windows has been used. This was built at the time when British Ruled India. This was built for Emperor George V in the anticipation of his visit to India. It is a different story that he did no turn up. The castle supposed to provide best view of the lake below at the time of Sunset. 

As we did not enter the park, we did not get a closer view of the castle. But, I still managed to get a glimpse of the castle while boating in the lake. I had clicked several snaps of this castle from the moving boat.


jabblog said...

How rude of George V not to visit after all that trouble!

Anonymous said...

Why no entry within the park?
And stained glasses I love the most if color glasses that means.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Nice post as always!

Zuzana said...

I think these are beautiful shots, despite taken from a moving boat.
I am intrigued by the vegetation, it looks like bare trees to me, but that can not be right?

joo said...

Beautiful castle, would be lovely to take a clser look of it!

Nalini Hebbar said...

you should get pictures of the lake from the castle...surely they will be great since the king wanted a castle there!

Sucharita Sarkar said...

The name and photos are quite intriguing!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Very impressive!

Tarun Mitra said...

Thanks for such informative post

amatamari© said...

Wonderful view and colors!

Anya said...

Nice view !!
Castles are always so special
I love always the history !!


Carver said...

I like the shots you took of the castle from a distance.

Sylvia K said...

Magnificent! And wonderful captures as always, Rajesh! Have a wonderful week!


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rajesh: That certainly is a beautiful place. I wish you could have gotten closer.

Anonymous said...

I hope someday you would find yourself in this vicinity and you'd take the chance to see the inside.

Dirkjogt said...

A pitty you couldn't get closer to the castle, looks like a pretty area

marcia@joyismygoal said...

yes find a way in:) but still nice:)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to have a Medieval European structure there! I wonder why George V never made it.

Tammie Lee said...

old dwellings like this always make me curious about their past.

Trotter said...

Hi Rajesh! Excellent pictures! Was that sunset? Great colour...

Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter 2, which has now landed in Mexico. Enjoy and have a great week!!

Jenn Jilks said...

Amazing building!
My Muskoka

Anonymous said...

What a waste of a good castle on that ingrate! I'm sure it's been well appreciated by others in the years since.

Indrani said...

Great place Rajesh and lovely shots!
(I was just posting a comment here when yours popped up in my box. :))

Elaine said...

This looks like it would be a great place to visit! :)

Randi said...

Lovely! Great captures as always. Have a wonderful week, Rajesh!

Wolynski said...

They built a whole castle for him and King George did not show up? How rude.

LadyFi said...

Oh the ego of kings!

Love the way the castle is peeking out from behind the trees/bushes.

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Very nice post!!!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

when I was in high school, we have a couple of teachers from India. They were Mr and Mrs. George. I wonder if their ancestor chose this name from your King's visit or non visit.

magiceye said...

wish you could have visited the castle and shown us the beautiful view!

Eden said...

Beautiful castle. Great shots as always. Thanks for sharing

penny said...

You always show us such beautiful places, Rajesh. Thank you for sharing your wonderful world.

fufu said...

no closed-up pictures?

Anonymous said...

It does feel very English to me!
Like a mansion in a park.

joshi daniel said...

loved that hidden look!

Pietro Brosio said...

Wonderful views of the castle. The place looks so nice. Thanks for sharing!

Lowell said...

It's the light! It's always the light, and you got this one right for sure...beautiful work!

roughterrain crane said...

The castle is shining. You took nice photos on the boat though it's not so easy.

Ebie said...

Well, George V missed to see the beauty of this castle!

Great post and info as usual.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

What a nice castle though its just the t0p still its beautiful.

George said...

It's too bad George V did not get to this castle. It's beautiful and I would expect the view from the top of those towers is wonderful.

Bhushavali said...

That's an incredible story!!! King George missed it....

Frankfurt - Germany
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Rajesh said...

Hobo: Thanks. No problem with entry into park. We had not planned for it.

Janice, Joo, Nalini, Wolynski, LadyFi, Ebie: Thanks, I agree with you.

Sucharita, Kirigalpoththa, Rakesh, Tarun, amatamari, Anya, Carver, Sylvia, Fishing Guy, Tammie, Stine, Trotter, J Bar: Thanks for the appreciation.

Protege: Thanks. The forest here is dry forest across the hilly region and flat grasslands around the lakes.

Jenn, Wren, Indrani, Elaine, Randi, Vicky, Eden, Pam, Pietro, Jacob, crane, Joshi, Coffeeveggie: Thanks for the appreciation.

Ann: Thanks, the King George is from Britan, and not from India.

1ondoncalling: Thanks, it ios built in British style.

ewok1993, Dirk, marcia, magiceye, fufu, George: Thanks, I missed the chance to see the insides and a closer look.

Suburban Girl said...

I love touring castles, your shots set my imagination going.

Jeevan said...

Nice knowing the castles and i hope there must be something unique inside.

Rajesh said...

Bhushavali, Rebecca, Jeevan: Thanks for the appreciation.

P.N. Subramanian said...

I never knew that in anticipation of George Vth, the castle was built there. Nice post.

Rajesh said...

P.N: Thanks for the appreciation.

Manjunath said...

gone through your archieves nice blog with brief description and nice pics will be visiting this space...

Rajesh said...

Manjunath: Thanks for the appreciation.