Few years back Bangalore had the best climate in the country. In summers the temperature never used to raise beyond 30 degree Celsius. It was a paradise in all seasons. But it has been changing since couple of years at a rapid phase. The Mercury has been steadily raising every year in the summer. In summer now it is hovering around 35 degree Celsius. This year it has recorded the highest temperature of 37.6 degree Celsius in the past 25 years.
But, last week has been a pleasant surprise. Parts of Bangalore witnessed sudden and heavy showers for a period of one hour.
With it arrived this year’s first hailstones. They were fast and plenty. Entire road got covered by small hailstones. The white spots in the above image are hailstones falling down. By enlarging the image they are clearly visible.
Is it monsoon?
The monsoon is about to start here in SL.
wow, good capture of the hail and wind, be safe!
Lovely pics of the early mansoon, Namma Bengaluru cooled down and looks great
I think the people where happy with a shower :))
The plants needs also water !!
Hailstones are rare in our place too... I remembered a storm with hailstones decades ago. We did run about in the yard just to have the feel and excitement, and of course behind Mom's back.
Wow, this is so cool! (No pun intended). Look at that interesting image of a palm tree and hail stones. That was very fascinating. The weather has gone haywire a bit all over the wold this year.;)
Wow ! Those pictures have pretty cool effect in this hot summer.
Wow! Reminds me of the hailstone showers that were pretty common in West Bengal when we were growing up in the 1970s-80s.
very nice capture...
hailstorms are bad but u capture it well Rajesh :)
Great shots! Must be difficult to cope with such high temeperatres and strong showers!
What a storm! Hope you were inside.
We've had the opposite problem to you - our temperatures have fallen, haven't had a decent summer for at least three years - looks like this one might be following suit. Forecast to be 6 C this weekend (should be at least 18 C) - just in time for 20 over excited five year olds to come to my sons party!
Stay cool xo
What terrific, stormy captures, Rajesh! I can almost feel the wind and the rain! Marvelous! Have a wonderful weekend!
That's really a significant different in such a short period of time - I hope everyone is alright after the hail that fell there! Take care & be carefuL!!
Wow...great shots of Hailstones and very interesting post!Have a nice weekend!
Oh dear, looks like its Monsoon season in Bangalore. Great captures, best to stay inside I think-thanks for sharing though:)
Awesome pictures!
Pretty serious hailstones - I hope they didn't do too much damage.
My photography is now available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
You captured the drama in this shot, that's for sure!
wow, that looks like some serious rain and hail coming down.
thanks for sharing.
Very angry looking sky.
looks like your weather over there is same with me were having rainy days since monday almost 5days now....good to see you can capture how that hailstones falling down.
Great shots. Sometimes hail is so beautiful but the big hail stones can cause a lot of damage. I hope this wasn't a problem in terms of damaging hail.
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
It must be very frightening at those times with the wind blowing those trees around. Thanks for sharing. Valerie
Beautiful shots and so different from you other postings. It must have been very special to see streets covered in ice in India.
Nice, stormy shots. I love thunderstorms, and we get a lot of them where I live, sometimes with hail that can be larger than golf balls.
Yes, Bangalore has always enjoyed a very conducive weather which is neither too warm nor too cold...... but of late, I hear that it has changed drastically, particularly this year! I've had so many of my friends tell me about it!
But this one is wonderful! Very well captured! Am sure it brought a lot of cheer amid the sweltering heat!
Hey thats nice you captured it Rajesh! yes from last week its pleasant climate!
I love how your photos capture the driving rains. Wonderful. I hope you didn't get too wet :-)
What dramatic shots.. those hailstones are the size of ping pong balls!
Great shots of the hailstones. We had an unusually heavy hailstorm here at our house in northern California Wednesday night (April 28th). Weird.
wonderfully captured!!!
Hmm! Here in Mumbai in the MIDDLE of the SUMMER, it rained early in the morning today! The weather was little cooler than the usual SUMMER day!
Pixellicious Photos
I hope they don't dent cars. I was 16 when we had a hailstorm in Borneo. We were so excited.
Looks like climate change is happening there. God hailstorm shots. Hope your car didn't get damaged
Those are big hailstorms, and great photos of the storm, hope the weather passes soon,
Neat capture of the hailstones. This seems to be a year fo weird weather everywhere.
Think they need a shower in that warm:-)
Great pictures!
Great shots of that stormy weather.
That is an amazing shot of the hail stones, Rajesh. It must have been a terrible storm.
One of the things scientists tell us about global warming/climate change is not only is it happening at an alarming rate but is already causing disruptions in weather patterns around the world. It would appear that you may be experiencing this very thing.
Our winter in Ocala was much colder than usual and we are having weird weather now, cool, then very hot. We're expecting a much warmer summer and more hurricanes!
Not only so, but seas are rising. At high tide, areas of downtown Miami are under several inches of water!
Rajesh: Quite an interesting photo of the storm.
Oh wow that is a hard wind and hail. I think our weather is unpredictable but sometimes it turns out good too. Happy weekend!
I think the phenomenon is happening all over India.
Yikes! that's some serious weather!
Nice pictures.
You are lucky to have hailstorm .. that must have cooled the surroundings
Great shots of the hailstorm.
Have a great weekend.
Too heavy rain. I hope you have not received any damage.
This used to be such a common phenomenon in Hyderabad of yesteryears. Now it is pretty rare. These serve to bring down the temperatures drastically. Love the sight, especially if you are safely indoors.
Hailstones have been falling for 15 minutes at a region in northern Portugal last week. It caused a lot of damage and never happened like this before! Wheather is crazy everywhere!
The second shot is amazing, great capture indeed.
Some strong personality in that weather!
Lindas fotos, belíssimas viagens, parabéns.
Because of this increase in temperature we halt our trip to Bangalore now. I hear a lot that Bangalore has changed a lot in its nature these days.
Glad to know the hailstone shower in Bangalore. I wish the climate continues to be cool always in Bangalore.
we get those occasionally here in canada too. i have not seen it captured on photo like that before tho. very cool
It seems like lots of places are experiencing crazy weather, too. These shots really capture this unusual weather event well!
The pics are really awesome... wow... cool atmosphere there...
Oh somehow I missed this post earlier -- how beautiful and eerie the sky is during this storm.
Thanks for sharing the pictures (which must have been a little difficult to take) -- it looks very windblown!
Thank God, we don't get hailstorms here. we're also in the middle of summer and there are parts of the country with over 38 degrees C. we got some rains, too, last week, but no storms.
My goodness...it looks more like a typhoon. Wow.
We went birding last week...today's post for my blog is all kinds of coastal bird photos. Do take a side trip over to my place if you can find some time to view many waterfowl.
Have a super day my friend.
Oh I first saw hailstones here in Australia couple of years ago, I went to our kitchen door and look at the backyard, it's fun looking coz i havent seen it before, but it can cause any damage especially to the car if it's outside...hmmm interesting weather distrubance. Thanks for sharing...very well capturing those.
Oh wow... now thats some rain. Do you get rain like this often in your country ?
thanks for sharing these photos.
Hails storms were quite common in B'lore in the late 60's...I remember hail stones so big that they made holes in the Mangalore Tile shed beside our house!
Thanks to all. Seeing the hailstones after a very long time was a nice experience. It rains in the evening occasionally. The temperature has not come down much.
This reminds me of my childhood when we used to have such rains and hailstones... amazing pictures Rajesh.!!!
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