Friday, July 29, 2011

Lalbagh Flower Show - Orchids - 7

At flower show in Lalbagh Gardens at Bangalore on January 2011 there were exclusive collection of Orchids on display. The colors were amazing. Below are some of the orchids on display: 

There were stalls selling the Orchids plants outside the flower show. The price ranged from Rupees 600 to 1200 depending on the variety.


Jeevan said...

Fantastic in color!

Jeevan said...

Good capture at second one. That’s quite incredible tower adjacent to the old one.

Jama said...

So pretty! I've never seen the blueish orchids like this here.

Joyful said...

Magnificent colours and wonderful macro shots. There are so many varieties of orchids.

Eden said...

So pretty. Love the colours.

Ash said...


Cheryl said...

Such rich texture and colors to these orchids. It's like looking at velvet.

Linda said...

Beautiful close-up shots!! Marvelous color!

George said...

This is a beautiful orchid. Thanks for sharing so many different wonderful blossoms from the flower show.

Travel France Online said...

Orchids are so refined, sadly i have never been able to make them bloom as econd time so i end upp with pots of orchid leaves!!!

Amit Charles said...

Ah! Lalbagh triggers nostalgia :)

Nice blog.

keep it rollin;)

Modern Mom said...

Gorgeous flowers.

Carletta said...

Oh my!
What a delicious combination of color - beautiful orchids!

magiceye said...

bright and beautiful

Ever Green Tree said...

Great colour Combo... Beautiful shots!

Mel said...

I love your orchid shot.very bold color.

Sivinden said...

Fascinating colours!

Autumn Belle said...

Looks like it has a rainbow of colours. Stunning!

Lowell said...

I think you've showed us some orchids previously...I remember thinking how beautiful they were and these are the same with outstanding colors!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

dark purple orchid, almost like the black tulip.

Carver said...

The orchids are gorgeous and I love seeing the buds together with the opening flowers.

Laura said...

love the color combination nature has settled upon for this!

Andrea said...

Dendrobium species and its hybrids are very common here in our country, however, i don't seem to have seen that color yet, violet with green center! lovely

ಅಶ್ವಿನಿ/ Ashwini said...

Love this color! Wow.. cant stop gazing at them..

Pietro Brosio said...

Very beautiful and enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

very pretty...

DeniseinVA said...

They are very beautiful colors. Thank you for sharing these wonderful orchids.

Pie said...


My Blue Monday is here.

Nayana said...

I have been to Lalbagh, its a beautiful garden. love the color. found you through Nisha's lifestyle blog. though I saw we both post at todays flower.

LV said...

One of the prettiest and moat delicate flowers. I love them, but not been successful in growing them. These are in stunning colors.

Míriam Luiza said...

Parece um tecido pronto para se tornar um vestido para uma linda moça!

Rajesh said...

Thank you all.

Bikram said...

lovely colors.. and yeah orchids are expensive here too ..


The 4-feet Wonder said...

Wonderful colours. Loved the clicks.

sush said...

fabulous...very beautiful capture on the theme. Do view my bangkok garden glimpse on

Frans54 said...

Spectacular color. I can not remember ever seeing an orchid in this color before.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all.

Gautam S Brahma said...

good close ups..

Travellingcamera said...

Pics are soft but nice !

Travellingcamera said...

soft n nice..

Ashish Joshi said...

superb capture ... amazing and bold colors ...

Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury said...

Missed it this time..but thanks for this

joel fernandes said...

rajesh, there is a place called lalbaugh here in mumbai as well,where every year we have a plant and flower exhibition and you can buy potted plants.I go there every year to pick up these huge 10 foot palm trees :). if youre ever in mumbai ,make it a point to check it out

Rajesh said...

Thank you all.