Parvati Hill and Temple in Pune is an important landmark. Located very close to the city center it is a main tourist attraction.
The hill is at a height of 2100 feet above sea level. One can reach top of the hill by climbing approximately 110 steps.
The steps are wide, but they are also smooth. The steps are so smooth that there is a chance for anyone to slip if not careful. There are railings by the side of steps to which one can hold on to.
There are several temples at the top, the most prominent being Parvati Temple, There is also a museum, the Peshwas Museum at the top. As per the popular legend, from this hill the Peshwa ruler Balaji Baji Rao watched the British defeat at the Battle of Kirkee.
This hill is frequented by people who want to get away from the maddening crowds and busy life of the city.
I was there
Wonderful place , thanks for shairng
The temple is beautiful.
enjoyable post!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
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What a wonderful place. I'd really like to see these Temples in person.
I can see why this place is a retreat from the buzz of the city!
Love that beautiful red-pink colour.;) Do your kids often travel with you?
Wonderful shots :-)
(your boys are growing fast they looking adorable :)
looks cool.
Looks like a nice picnic spot close to pune. I know about this place and photos are excellent!
Love the red temple and what lovely weather!
It's always to great fun to travel through your wonderful country with you:)
Another unique and beautiful place...that's almost one mile high! Amazing steps.
Very nice post and your photos, too.
Regards and best wishes
Wow, 100 steps! I'd like to try that. Happy sky watching.
Storm Surge
Full Moon
Such a beautiful and peaceful looking place it is, Rajesh! And what lovely blue skies! I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful place to walk and get away from the crowds.
Nice spot on the hill to get away from crowds, and consider the wider view of life, maybe the builders had the same idea :)
Thanks for this piece of history and the beautiful photos. Actually I need a map of India to understand fully the atmosphere of these magnificent buildings.
Another great tour Rajesh!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Your kids are so lucky that you take them to these wonderful places!
Very beautiful photos and interesting post!Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!
I would of course like to climb to the top there. The best view is always on top:-)
Like your picture, and no 1 is my favorite.
Happy weekend!
The children at this ancient site create a delightful, real sense of the wonder and beauty of this place.
Such a beautiful spot .Those steps do look shiny smooth good that there is a railing .
A most enjoyable post seeing the children and landscape, temple and sky.
Great place to be.
An unusual color of pink.
Looks like a nice place to visit. Your two sons are so co operative in posing for photos. Have a nice weekend.
The temple looks nice.
The 110 wide long steps probably not as exhausting to climb as the 199 short steep steps to Whitby Abbey, although you also have the heat to contend with.
Beautiful buildings and temples, the pink and white one at the bottom is very attractive.
Rajesh, this is a beautiful place to visit. The temple is wonderful and the dteps do not look that bad. Have a great day!
looks very nice..
such a beautiful temple.
gorgeous as always
Wonderful place for a special getaway from the crowd. Happy weekend!
Did those little boys run to the top and then wait for you, Rajesh? I love the red and peach colors of the temple and museum.
Beautiful temple. Great shots.
Worth the trek up the steps, to see such wonderful buildings!
Shrinidhi Hande said, "I was there." I say, "I want to go there!"
Tell your shadow that you love her,
Spurn your shadow, if you dare.
Keep your shadow out of darkness,
Keep her in the sun’s harsh glare!
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Shadows here and here
Such a beautiful place to rest and find peace and quiet, especially after climbing 110 wide steps!
A very beautiful place, Rajesh. Too bad the steps are slippery. That doesn't sound good, but at least there is a hand rail.
Excellent photos.
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel
I am sure this would be a terrific place to visit and sight see. However, I would never make it up that many steps.
Beautiful shadow shots.
My shadow shot post, have a lovely weekend!
Lovely ShadowShots, as usual! Have a great weekend.
Wonderful photos of what seems to be a very beautiful place. Thanks for sharing!
since i am in pune now and my wife is already been to this place so many times, i am sure i'll be going there very soon !
Beautiful temple
Thank you all.
Rahul, you should visit this place.
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