Aga Khan Palace in Pune is a magnificent palace surrounded by the lavish green gardens all around with fountains. Father of Nation - Mahatma Gandhi with his wife Kasturba and his secretary, Mahadev Desai were held as a prisoners from 1942 for nearly 2 years.

This place has the marble Samadhi of Kasturbaji who died at this place during the house arrest.

Adjacent to this is the Samadhi of Mahadev Desai who was like a son to Gandhiji. Charles Correa built their samādhi's in the outlying green grounds. These two look exact similar to each other, while that of Gandhiji is different.

After Gandhiji's assassination in 1948, 28 urns containing Gandhi’s ashes were sent to all parts of the country. One such Urn of ashes is also laid next to these ‘samadhi's. It is now marked by a marble ‘Tulsi Vrindavan’.
This place has the marble Samadhi of Kasturbaji who died at this place during the house arrest.
Adjacent to this is the Samadhi of Mahadev Desai who was like a son to Gandhiji. Charles Correa built their samādhi's in the outlying green grounds. These two look exact similar to each other, while that of Gandhiji is different.
After Gandhiji's assassination in 1948, 28 urns containing Gandhi’s ashes were sent to all parts of the country. One such Urn of ashes is also laid next to these ‘samadhi's. It is now marked by a marble ‘Tulsi Vrindavan’.
Beautiful snaps on Samadhis! Never know about this place! Looks like simple and peaceful monuments
Very informative...
Very interesting! I visited Gandhi's 'tomb' in Delhi.
a beautiful post
Wonderful post for the day, Rajesh! Gandhi was such an incredible man! We could use more men like him today!
Great post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
It is a wonderful testimony to Gandhi and his work! Interesting how power is always threatened by those seeking justice and freedom!
Intersting post and photos, Rajesh!
Interesting monument.
A remarkable man and what a great idea for his ashes to be sent to all parts of the country.
indeed info and nice photos
Thank you so much for these photos. Many years ago (1975) travelling around India, I visited Pune but I had little memory of it but your pictures have brought back recollections of that visit.
What an interesting place, that speaks of sorrow, yet comes across as tranquil, serene and monumental simultaneously...
Great post Rajesh.
What a lovely memorial to a great man.
Nice photos - such a history there.
Thanks for this interesting post. The garden looks beautiful. I didn't realize Gandhi's ashes were distributed throughout the country.
marvelous design
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I wished there came another Gandhi! I am very much interested in the teachings of this man of peace.
Thank you for this post.
Wil, ABC Team.
At the international school where I taught (I'm recently retired), Gandhi is one of four namesake world leaders chosen to inspire the students and staff through our house system. This was a fascinating way to learn a little more about him.
very interesting, i never saw these picture. thanks for sharing
Those are beautiful. Visiting from ABC Wednesday.
Huge planter and beautiful too.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
So serene the whole atmosphere
Thanks for sharing this. I'm always happy to be in touch with Gandhi.
It looks the perfect place for contemplation. A great soul.
A holy place to honor a wonderful person.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing!
Thank you all for respecting the great man.
Beautiful captures. This is a new information as far as I am concerned.
Nice Information..I never knew about that and Nice Captures too.. :-)
father of nation ! Respect !
Really informative, this is the first time I am hearing about this place...
Dinno about this! Thanks for sharing! #respect! :)
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