Monday, September 10, 2012

Poetry in Stone - 12

This is 12th in the series on the rich cultural heritage of ancient temples in India. At Halebid, the 12th century Hoysaleswara Temple beautifully carved out of soapstone. The walls of the temple have been carved beautifully depicting the stories from various Hindu epics.

One such sculptural marvel is based on the story of a small battle between the Gods. The entire story is carved in a area of 4 X 10 ft. Once Satyabhama wife of Krishna demanded beautiful Parijata flowers which were available only in Indralok then. When Krishna and Satyabhama were about to leave after taking a branch of the celestial Parijata tree, they were accosted by Indra and a battle took place, leading to Indra losing the battle.

Here on one side the carving of Krishna and Satyabama are shown atop Garuda with a branch of Parijata flowers in their hand. The tree with flowers and fruits has been carved very intricately.

On the other side the carving of Indra atop his elephant Iravat trying to stop Krishna has been carved great detail.

These two sculptures in totality pictures the entire scene showcasing the craftsmanship even in those days. They has been carved with great detail with attention to every minute aspect.

Prev 11 Next 13


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Amazing! (I have run out of adjectives to express my complete awe at these beautiful carvings). And the story that you tell makes them even more interesting of course. Is the Parijata flower a real one that still exists or is it a myth?

Vee said...

Such a lot of detail. The scroll-like carving of the tree's branches is exquisite. It sounds like a sad story and must be like so many fables where there is a moral to the story.

Panchali said...

Amazing creativity, Rajesh! Hundreds of highly trained sculptors must have worked
to carve out the details..Incredible India!!:)
Thanks for sharing...

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Some absolutely whoaaa captures here! Great said...

very nice and cool light :)

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful temple and carvings. the detail is amazing. Thanks for sharing this wonderful place. Great photos.

Lowell said...

These carvings are quite incredible. Thanks for the close-ups. And you are right about the craftsmanship. I wonder if these could be duplicated today using the materials they had back then?

Jeevan said...

Great depict on sculpture! Completely marvelous, Rajesh

Anonymous said...

Just wonderful!

Kim, USA said...

Indeed it is a poetry like it!


Snap said...

Amazing sculpture. Your culture is so rich in art and story. Lovely!

Sylvia K said...

What a marvelous mural! Such incredible craftsmanship! Your captures are wonderful as always, Rajesh! Hope you have a good week!

Unknown said...

Incredible detail!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Carver said...

The sculpture in the stone is fantastic.

Fun60 said...

I find it amazing that stories are so well told through these intricate carvings.

Al said...

Poetry indeed, spectacular! Speaking of Hindu epics, I just read the Bhagavad Gita, what an incredible book!

Meoww said...

Wonderfully intricate sculptures, telling an entire story.

Indrani said...

Love these treasures.
Hope they last forever!

lorik said...

These are beautiful photos. What an amazing sight- with those intricate carvings! I wish I had have been able to see them on our travels in India.

Leovi said...

Very nice, wonderful reliefs.

Anonymous said...

very well captured -kudos :)

Vineeta Yashsavi said...

Very informative series...

Roger Owen Green said...

Of course, your whole blog is I for India! Nice detail.

Kate said...

Indian temples are always ornate and beautiful. Kate, ABC Team

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The detail in thse reliefs are so wonderfully detailed and so well preserved. Thank you for showing them to us.

Rajesh said...

Sallie: The Parijata flower is for real and we can see this scented flowering tree in India.

Kalikramatic Baba said...


Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful details!

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Gattina said...

Amazing art work !
ABC Team

Joy said...

Beautiful, they look in such wonderful condition that you wouldn't have thought 800 years have past.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating wonderful craftsmanship.

Come Away With Me said...

These are so rich in beautiful detail; it must be rather amazing to see them in person.

Ramakrishnan said...

Amazingly intricate and exquisite sculpture & architecture.

Chubby Chieque said...

An exquisite, indeed!

So much historical and educational behind these photos.

TY once again for sharing.


MyMaracas said...

Incredible. I am always awed by the beauty and richness you show us. Thank you for sharing these photos.

Anonymous said...

Such Lovely Carvings...Really They are awesome..

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

Been there as a child, thanks for reviving memories!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful carvings...such intricate details. Thanks for sharing.