Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dark Passage, Devgiri Fort

The only entrance to citadel of 14th century Devgiri Fort is through a devious tunnel which in times of siege was rendered impassable by an ingenious contrivance. This sub-terrain passage is indeed mysterious and in spite of several individual's attempts, all its mysteries are not known. 

The long ascending tunnel rises rapidly and tortuously by a flight of steps, which are uneven in width and height, difficult for climb in the absence of light.

The labyrintheine passage coupled with the darkness confuse the enemy army to kill themselves along a tunnel containing numerous chambers cut out of solid rock which were used then as guard rooms and store houses. The tunnel was impassable when the great obstacles come in the form of darkness, barrier of smoke, splash of oil and water from above. 


Our photos said...

Beautiful photos of the fort!

The Mukhtiars said...

Nice click

HansHB said...

Lovely photos!

eileeninmd said...

What a cool fort to visit, great shots. Thanks for sharing!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Really interesting and so much history! Would like to take the tour.

Lakshmi said...

Never been here...interesting place..

Annemor said...

Great pics.
Have a nice day :)

Animor said...

These are beautiful photos, very interesting place.

R Niranjan Das said...

Interesting fort. Where is this?

Regina said...

Great place!

Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great photos about a very intriquing place ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Anonymous said...

Must have taken a long time to build

Pallavi said...

Beautiful pictures. The fort looks so historic.

Al said...

It looks and sounds like an amazing place, I'd love to explore it.

Leovi said...

Very nice photos! Beautiful place full of history! I really like this citadel!

Sylvia K said...

An amazing and intriguing place it is indeed!! You do find such wonderful places, Rajesh!! Thanks, as always, for sharing!!

Jim said...

Great post

Anonymous said...

super cool spiritual clicks :) :)

SmilingSally said...

Did you climb those stairs? I know I could not make it.

Have a good Blue Monday, Rajesh.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It makes me shake just to think about walking through that tunnel/labyrinth. Very interesting.

Abhijit Ray said...

Nice photo. What is inside the passage? How long is the passage? Hope to visit some day.

Rajesh said...

Abhijit: Only passing through the passage one can access top portion of the fort.