Saturday, July 4, 2015

Nadankanan Zoo - Bengal Tiger

Nadankanan Zoo at Bhubaneswar is one of great zoo in India. There are various animals and birds at the zoo. One among them is Bengal Tiger.

Its body color is yellow to light orange, with stripes ranging from dark brown to black.

The tiger's belly and the interior parts of the limbs are white, and the tail is orange with black rings. 

They have exceptionally stout teeth, and the canines are the longest among all living felids.


Louisette said...

Wonderfull ,best regard from Belgium

Vineeta Yashsavi said...

Lovely action Pictures...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

amagnificent beast but I amsorry he is not in the wild. Have a wonderful weekend.

rupam sarma said...

Great pics

Jeevan said...

Beautiful capture on its movement and detail on appearance! Well taken

TexWisGirl said...

such a powerful beast.

Snap said...

Gorgeous! Happy Critter Day!

Anonymous said...

What a magnificent animal!

Latane Barton said...

Such a magnificent beast!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The better to bite things with! What a magnificent beast.

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos of these gorgeous animals!

carol l mckenna said...

Don't like zoos ~ you have a wonderful series of shots of the beautiful tiger ~

Happy Day to you,
artmusedog and carol

Pietro Brosio said...

Great shots of the Bengal tiger!

Trubes said...

I love Tigers, but not in Zoo's, great shots of a magnificent
beast !

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Roger Owen Green said...

handsome, but endangered!


Reader Wil said...

Tigers and all big cats are my favourite animals. Cats are wonderful pets.
Thanks for these beautiful photos!
Wil, ABCW Team

Photo Cache said...

I hope they are thriving and no longer endangered.


Hildred said...

A beautiful beast - the wild cats are so lithe and supple and almost romantic, although I'm sure a bit with those large teeth would cure one of any illusions.

Vinay Leo R. said...

Lovely clicks of the Royal animal :) Majestic looking!

Leo @ I Rhyme Without Reason

Anita Sabat said...

Nandankanan Zoo is my favourite. Been there many times, especially when I was small :)
Nice that you have shared the pics of the famous tigers.

Rosy said...

I think it is wonderful to have Zoo's tho many out there are against them, if it weren't for Zoos these big cats and so many other kinds would be completely wipe out on the face of the earth...Zoos are always constantly trying to save endanger species thru many types of breeding programs and then reintroducing them back to the wilds.

You did a great job at grabbing some pretty good pictures here.

Oh by the way do you know where Zebra's comes from? (yeah I know what does that have to do with tigers) Well to find out please go visit my blog at "thanks"

magiceye said...

Lovely captures! But sad to see such a beautiful animal in captivity.

Administrator said...

Nice shots!

Easwar Arumugam said...

nice capture

Purba chakraborty said...

I have visited Nandankanan Zoo. Wonderful captures :)

Bushra Muzaffar said...

Majestic beast!