Monday, January 25, 2016

Saher ki Masjid, Champaner

Inside the Citadel of Champaner, in Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park this was a private mosque built for royal family and nobles of Gujarat Sultanate sometime between 15th and 16th century. The architecture of the mosque is a fusion of Indo-Islamicn style. 

The pillars and beams follow Indian style while the column and arch represent Islamic style. There are three arches to which one can enter the mosque. Corresponding to each arched entrance is a large dome in a central row, each surrounded on all four sides by cupolas.

Constructed on a raised platform, the mosque has a large prayer hall with five mihrabs, accessed through central arched entrance flanked by two minarets on both sides.

The interior of the dome is is beautifully carved along with other structures. The external minaret has lot of carvings on it.


R Niranjan Das said...

Nice captures!

rupam sarma said...

Amazing. Nice pics.

Vineeta Yashsavi said...


riitta k said...

Impressive and beautiful. Have a nice week!

Forest Dream Weaver said...

What a wonderful ceiling!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I really like these, especially the second and last images. Happy Week~

Jeevan said...

Very interesting architecture style! Impressive wall carving

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...


krishna said...

very beautiful photos..

Indrani said...

That is quite old and seems well maintained too.
Great pics.

Al said...

What a beautiful mosque, the mix of architectures is exquisite.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The symbolism and blend of cultures in the construction of this mosque is very interesting.

magiceye said...

Beautiful detailing. Thank you!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Is it open to the public now? Is it privately or state owned?

Photo Cache said...

Oh my goodness another must see historical site.

Sylvia K said...

A wonderful old mosque and fascinating history!! Thank you, as always, Rajesh, for sharing with us!! I hope your new year is going well for your and your family!!

Anonymous said...

How magnificent!

Jim said...

Sydney – City and Suburbs

Fun60 said...

I can't imagine that being a private mosque as it is so big.

Jackie and Joel Smith said...

How stunning - especially a private mosque for a single family!

MelodyK said...

oh wow would i like to visit that

Have a nice abc-day / -week thank you for this entry and hope to see you next week again.
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-w-team)

Leslie: said...

Beautiful combination of styles!

ABCW team

photowannabe said...

Quite fascinating.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful shots! Love the spiral effect in a few of the temple photos ~

Wishing you the best in each day. ~ ^_^

Anonymous said...

Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Amazing architecture!

genie said...

What a gorgeous mosque. And you were able to go inside. How lucky. The coloration of the stone is lovely. I bet that prayer hall is huge.

Roger Owen Green said...

the circle is mesmerizing


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Blended architectural styles are so interesting. Happy ABC Wednesday! #36

fredamans said...

That ceiling reminds me of old trees and the rings they have as they age. Very unique and beautiful.

Roger Owen Green said...

always interesting.

Powell River Books said...

The dome looks like the concentric rings of a tree. - Margy

Anonymous said...

amazing one.

Ranjana's craft blog said...

Wonderful architecture !

Ira said...


Purba chakraborty said...

Very well captured :)

Abhijit Ray said...

Nice photo. Lot of history.