Monday, November 1, 2010

Parsvanath Temple, Khajuraho

The Parsvanth Temple built in 950 - 1150 A.D belongs to the Eastern Group of Khajuraho Temples (State: Madhya Pradesh). This is one of the three Jain temples built by rulers of Chandel Dynasty inside the walled enclosure. 

Measuring 20m x 11m, it is the largest among the Jain temples in Khajuraho. It is also one of the magnificently carved Jain temples in India. The walls of the temple have three bands of graceful sculptures depicting Hindu Gods.

The sculptures on the walls of this temple have been carved with great precision. More figures can be found on the outer face of the sanctum, depicting 'apsaras' (heavenly nymphs) in a variety of poses.

In the sanctum there is idol of Parshvanatha, a Jain Tirthankara.


amatamari© said...

Thanks for your great pictures!!!

jabblog said...

I think you could spend forever just looking at the carvings - so many to see and admire.

Sylvia K said...

I'm always fascinated by the photos of the magnificent temples in your country, Rajesh! And your photos are superb! Thanks for another wonderful look at your world! Have a great week!


LifeRamblings said...

what a lovely temple. the details are exquisite.

Anonymous said...

Nice post and beautiful pictures

Carver said...

Beautiful temple. The walls are amazing and the last shot was my favorite for some reason.

Penelope Notes said...

This temple is magnificent. Having recently visited ancient buildings in Europe, it is clear to see that marvelous ornate structures also existed in India. Canada is so young in comparison.

Gwendolyn L said...

Great detail. I look forward to reading your history lessons each week. You do a wonderful job. Thanks for sharing.

Kay L. Davies said...

What a beautiful world your photographs show us, Rajesh. Thank you.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

Another magnificent temple! Is it still in use?

Anonymous said...

the details are amazing. this is a labor intensive project.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Amazing! This is such a wonderful edifice!

Grace said...

Hi Friend, I am back.
This structure is awesome and breath taking. I would like to see this someday.
Thanks for sharing. :)

George said...

The carvings on this temple are absolutely beautiful. They are so detailed and crisp.

magiceye said...


Lakshmi said...

like the last pic..

Anonymous said...


good photos of temple

thanks for sharing

Marites said...

what an imposingly impressive structure! I hope i can see some of those structures someday.

Randi said...

Wow...the temple is amazing and the details are exquisite.

callezee said...

Beautiful.. thanks for the beautiful pictures

joshi daniel said...

the walls are so beautiful!

Zuzana said...

So stunning and such detailed carvings... I get a feeling almost as if it is built out of sand...

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Raj,
magnifico palazzo !!!
Buona giornata.
Myriam :)

eileeninmd said...

Rajesh, the sculptures are just amazing. It is a beautiful temple.

indicaspecies said...

I found this temple particularly impressive and recall sitting there gazing and admiring for a long time. Thank you for the good memories through this post.

Jeevan said...

Interesting capture on the wall! and its no easy to crave wholly the walls.

Mark Kreider said...

Very interesting and thought provoking shot and commentary as always.

Indrani said...

Amazing structure.

Dani said...

Lovely temple. Thank you.

Ingrid said...

What an unbelievable artwork !

Vishesh said...

wow! really amazing!

Cezar and Léia said...

There are so wonderful details on the walls, magnificent temple and your pictures are beautiful!Thanks for sharing your world!

Leslie: said...

Intricate archictecture! Very pleasing to the eye. Have a wonderful week. :D

Francesca Di Leo said...

wow! what a stunning piece of architecture.. such detail. incredible.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It really is another world. Astonishing detail.

BraCom said...

Always fascinated by the photos of the magnificent temples in your country, Rajesh!

Have a nice week

photowannabe said...

I know I say this each week, but the architecture is just amazing. How they were able to do that intricate work so long ago is fascinating.

Roger Owen Green said...

another wonderful PALACE!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Pooch Purple Reign said...

gorgeous sculpture and intricate detail. amazing!

Gayle said...

The detail work of the carvings is unbelievable. The hours it must have taken to carve out just a small section must have been endless!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The intricacy of the sculptured walls is amazing.

alicesg said...

Wow fantastic another beautiful temple with such well crafted designs on its exterior.

SandyCarlson said...

Amazing and beautiful. Thank you.

The Explorer said...

i really amaze when i saw temples and when looking more into details, great talents and arts reveal with this kind of building.

Las Islas Filipinas World

Tumblewords: said...

Exquisite detail!

Tammie Lee said...

the details are amazing!

Dr. Pratibha Singh said...


Halie said...

Thank you so much for sharing another wonderful piece of your country and culture with us.

This is one of the many things that make me want to visit India soon.

If you have time, do drop by:

My Entry

Purnima@a creative project said...

Awesome!! SO beautiful!!!!!!

balaji said...

The detail in these temples are amazing how come such a civilization like this which has started so early far before the civilisation in Europe has fallen in the subsequent years.Strange way history works ,it is really bewildering to me.. Something must have gone tremendously wrong in the subsequent years.

MaR said...

Very beautiful. Another interesting and informative post!
P is for poncho

Trotter said...

Hi Rajesh! It's incredible your collection of temples! You should make a cd with all that stuff: I give you the name for it: «Rajesh's Temples»...

After four posts, Blogtrotter Two is leaving Algiers 2009... Enjoy and have a great week ahead!

Sara Katt said...

Meow! What a beautiful temple! I just can't imagine how this could be built! All those carvings! It must have taken a long time and alot of skill.
And it looks good enough to eat! As if it were made of sugar (not that we felines eat sugar. But my two-legged bother and sister like sweets.)
Thanks for sharing.
Sara Cat

Sara Cat's abcWED-round-7-P

YOSEE said...

Marvelous artwork. Great pictures.

Unknown said...

Interesting pictures.Greeting Andrzej.

Unknown said...

The workmanship and detail of this structure are amazing! I'd love to see it for real.
My ABC Wednesday

Eden said...

Impressive building. Great shots, Rajesh!

Rajesh said...

Thanks to all for appreciating this magnificent temple.

Unknown said...

Amazing tepmle

geeta singh said...

beautiful walls ..nice pics

Arpana said...

Getting glimpse of long shot seems so good that next i feel to see it from near.

Rajesh said...

Thanks to all for appreciating this magnificent temple.