Thursday, October 13, 2011

Parvati Temple, Pune

Parvati Hill and Temple in Pune is an important landmark. Located very close to the city center it is a main tourist attraction.

One can reach top of the hill by climbing approximately 110 steps. Here the main temple at the top as the name suggests is of Goddess Parvati.

It was built by the third Peshwa, Shrimant Nana Saheb in the year 1749 A.D. There is no change in the temple architecture that we see today. It was constructed in this style on those days itself. Probably only new thing in the temple is the paint.


Teamgsquare said...

Wow ,nice temple

Kavita Saharia said...

Beautiful.The temple looks very new ,amazing that it was built in 1749.


I love the framing on the last photo. Beautiful temple as always, my friend.

Anya said...

That building is sooooo unique for me
I love it :-)

Zuzana said...

Oh, that is so fairytale like. The temple reminds me a bit of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square.;)

Travel France Online said...

So much architectural beauty in your country!

joo said...

What a gorgeous temple!

Anonymous said...

What a beautifully decorated temple!

Bhushavali said...

Thanks for introducing this temple to me... Loved it!!!
Kalangal Kalyana Perumal

Unknown said...

Beautiful structure. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River ,Canada.

Sylvia K said...

What a gorgeous temple and beautiful skies! Terrific captures, Rajesh! Thanks for the tour and for sharing the beauty of your country! Have a great weekend!


Pearl Maple said...

fabulous construction and detail in this building, thanks for sharing with Sky Watch Friday

Carver said...

That's a very beautiful temple.

Karen said...

Wow, 110 steps! Well worth the climb, it's beautiful!

My name is Riet said...

So interesting and beautiful in your country.

Kim, USA said...

I love the intricate design of the temple and so the color too.

Sky Watch

clairz said...

Wonderful shots of a lovely place.

SandyCarlson said...

These are just amazing photos.

Anonymous said...

beautiful temple with different architectural style...

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Brilliant pictures!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The last photo gave a good window shot.

Reader Wil said...

Another great temple! India has a lot of beautiful buildings to show, and you are our guide! Thank you!

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos. An imposing temple, how wonderful! Hope you Have a wonderful weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful temple, Rajesh! I love the colors and details on this temple. Great shots. Happy skywatching!

Ash said...

Beautiful temple. I love how you've framed the third photograph.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautifully captured! Love the last shot the best!

My Skywatch, have a nice weekend!

Al said...

What an incredible temple, nice shots. I'd love to see something like this one day.

Anonymous said...

the design looks stunning rajesh...what a beautiful shot...

George said...

This is another beautiful temple. I really like the way you have framed it in the archway in your last picture.

Red Nomad OZ said...

What a shame they don't make them like this nowadays!

Jeevan said...

The temple looks very beautiful! The architecture is wonderful and gives a kind of mosque look.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating different looking ancient temple.

eden said...

Impressive. Great shots!

thepinaysolobackpacker said...

wow! nice temple indeed. i feel sad coz my India trip this Oct-Nov will be cancelled. I hope to do India nxt year., planning to do North India first. thanks for sharing your lovely photos! :)

Hootin Anni said...

What a wonderful, cultural experience for us visitors today.

THE RAVEN-and its shadow

Gautam said...

thanks for the great pictures.

Cassie said...

Beautiful photography, as usual. Have a good weekend!

genie said...

This has to be one of my favorite temples of all the ones you have posted over the last months. It is simpler than the other ones, and I think that makes it especially appealing. The colors are beautiful. genie

LV said...

So many stately, interesting buildings and temples in your country. They fascinate me.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The framed shot is simply exquisite!

(With apologies to William Blake)

Shadow, shadow lurking dark
In a corner of the park,
What immortal eye can see
Your transcendent symmetry?

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadowy Little Pool

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such lovely shadows!

Myshadow shot, have a blessed Sunday!

Lighthousegal said...

Beautiful photos. The Temple is a truly awesome work of art, with such wonderful details. I really like the last shot of the Temple through the window. Looks like a beautiful place to visit.

Joyful said...

Very nice. I esp. like the top of the temple. Are photos allowed inside?

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciation.
Joyful: Photography inside the temple not allowed.

Travel With Lulu said...

Your newest follower via Red Tuesday :) Your photos are stunning! XOLaura

MaR said...

Gorgeous as always!!

Fotografaire said...

What beautiful images of splendid architecture.

forgetmenot said...

What wonderful architecture--a magnificent structure. Thanks for sharing. Mickie :)

Sudhir R said...

Nice Shots, Well captured. So well maintained monument

spicenflavors said...

Too good:)

Arti said...

Beautiful temple. I have never been to this one, will try to make it in my next visit.

D.Nambiar said...

A temple for Parvati. That's not something we hear about very often, right? It looks beautiful too. For some reason the top of the temple reminded me of St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (not that I've seen it. Would love to, tho'). I guess it's the colour and the architectural details on it.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for appreciating this place.