Monday, November 28, 2011

Trimurti Cave Temple, Mahabalipuram

Trimurti Cave Temple in Mahabalipuram is located behind huge rocks and a passage leads one to this temple.

We would have missed seeing this temple, had I not followed a group of travelers going in the direction of the rocks. I am glad I followed them.

This 7th century rock-cut shrine is unique in that is honors the Hindu Trinity in one place. This cave temple is devoted to three supreme gods of Hindus, Brahma-the creator, Vishnu-the preserver and Shiva-the destroyer.

There is a separate section in the temple for each of them.


magiceye said...

wow amazing temple indeed!

Sridharan said...

Nice to have a recap of what all I saw at Mahabalipuram..! Well done Rajesh..!

Sujatha Sathya said...

stone carvings also amaze me

Teamgsquare said...

Lovely cave .

Anonymous said...

nice sculpture in stone...

nice photos


Kim, USA said...

Beautiful images!
MOsaic Monday

joshi daniel said...

nice one!

P.N. Subramanian said...

Great. I do not quite remember if I too have missed seeing these caves. I need to recheck my archives.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad you did not miss these caves, what a find. they are amazing, thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

Zuzana said...

I loved the story, I too have often found the best treasures on unplanned paths.;)

joo said...

7th century? Amazing! I love this shrines!

Travel France Online said...

The best hidden secret then!!!

Jeevan said...

Great shots on carving! I don't remember seeing this temple in mamallapuram.

Anonymous said...

What marvellous details!

Unknown said...

I'm always astounded by the quality of the carvings!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Tina´s PicStory said...

beautiful building!

Carver said...

The rock shrine is very intricate. I enjoy the photographs from your world.

Lowell said...

It's interesting to note Hinduism has a "trinity" as does Christianity!

It's a beautiful temple which just goes to show that sometimes following a crowd can lead to a worthwhile experience.

Sylvia K said...

I'm glad you followed them, too, Rajesh! Such a lovely and interesting place! Your captures are wonderful as always! Hope you have a great week!


Al said...

It's remarkable how something like this can be hidden, I guess you've got to explore. Excellent photos!

My Little Home and Garden said...

Your photos are so interesting, unlike anything around my area.

Indrani said...

Great place to visit.

magiceye said...

wonderful carvings!

alicesg said...

Very interesting to see such beautiful carvings of statues in the temple. Am sure each has an unique historical story to tell.

Leovi said...

Wonderful pictures with a perfect light that allows us to enjoy the rich details of these reliefs.

Unknown said...

I have been here over a decade back, looks like nothings changed in a decade. Nice compositions...Thomas

Arija said...

There is just no end to the historical wonders of your country. I really look forward to your posts.

Francisca said...

Aren't these unexpected surprises marvelous! :-)

anthonynorth said...

I do enjoy your posts. Beautiful architecture.

Roger Owen Green said...

Terrific locale!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

MaR said...

Beautiful! glad you followed those travelers!

T is for...

George said...

The carvings in this temple are marvelous. I'm glad you followed the travelers and discovered this unique temple. I'm even more happy that you shared it with us.

Leslie: said...

Terrific temple!

abcw team

My Unfinished Life said...

i havent visited south much..but if i get chance to visit chennai..will visit mahabalipuram about it in history textbooks in school. and found it so fascinating!!!

Sushma Harish said...

There s no match for Indian heritage

J.Rylie.C said...

Grand BeauTy!

School's Thanksgiving Feast

photowannabe said...

Glad you followed the tour group and found this amazing Temple.

Ebie said...

such great architecture and a Country so rich in history. Great tagging along your travels.

Jama said...

An amazing temple indeed!

genie said...

I need to research and learn about the Hindu trinity. I thought Christians were the only religion with the “trinity.” This post is especially interesting to me not only for the “trinity’, but that is in a cave. I think that is fascinating....very protective of the temple. Such a nice post. genie

Hazel said...

The trek thru what leads to a beautiful temple must be enchanting indeed!

Ramakrishnan said...

Magnificent capture. Rock cut temples at Mahabs are testimony to wonderfully creative temple architecture of the Pallava Kings !

SandyCarlson said...

I am glad you followed them, too. This is one incredible place, physical and spiritual at once.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

fabulous shots of an amazing place

Reader Wil said...

These temples are amazing! India was so far advanced in civilisation at that time in the 7th century, while we were still living in poor conditions after the Romans left us and took their knowledge of architecture with them. We have no buildings left from that period, only ruins.

CameraCruise said...

Great shots of an amazing place.
What a beautiful temple.

radha said...

Spectacular. Will know what to look out for when I finally go to Mahabalipuram

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Absolute classics, Sir. Very well captured..... thanks for sharing.

Rajesh said...

I am happy that you all liked this ancient temple.

Anonymous said...

ths place really flattered me

Eden said...

What a lovely place! Great shots.

Pietro Brosio said...

Fabulous indeed. Thanks for sharing this, Rajesh.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Excellent photos!!!

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

Dont remember having seen this during my Mahabalipuram visit...Will check it out the next time...Thanks for sharing

Bhavana said...

dang, I have not seen this temple and been to Mahabalipuram twice!!! It looks awesome--have to see it the next time!

A Homemaker's Utopia said...

Going to visit this place..:-) This is very useful post.Nice pics..:-)

Anonymous said...
