Monday, March 23, 2015


On the outskirts of Bhubaneswar at a distance of 6 kms there are two twin hills and one of them is Udayagiri and other is Khandagiri. 

There are about fifteen caves that are inhabited by Jain scholars and hermits during the ancient periods. They were built during the rule of King Kharavela of Chedi dynasty in 2nd century BC.

The crest of Khandagiri is 37.5 m high, 3.96 m higher than that of Udayagiri.  The prominent sites are:
These rock cut caves are exquisitely carved with beautiful sculptures.  We shall soon explore more of this place. 

The places of interest nearby are:


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful carvings and it seems like it would have been a good retreat for spiritual scholars.

bj said...

Such an interesting post...enjoyed seeing your good photos.

SmilingSally said...

Hi Rajesh,

Imagine living in a cave! I must admit, I'm too spoiled.

Happy Blue Monday!

Donna said...

I look forward to more of your photos of this place...those caves seem such a sacred place.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Unique mosaics, Rajesh, of these ancient temples.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

What a hard life those hermits must have endured in those caves.

carol l mckenna said...

Always creative and fascinating photos of 'your world' ~

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Powell River Books said...

Really interesting. - Margy

Sylvia K said...

Amazing caves, Rajesh!! Wonderful captures for the day!! Thanks, as always, for sharing the beauty of your world!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Always interesting and historical posts. So diverse.

Photo Cache said...

The caves are interesting destinations.

Worth a Thousand Words

Al said...

Those caves built right into the hillside must have so much history.

Leovi said...

Wonderful pictures, Exquisite!!

Annesphamily said...

Beautiful photos! Always my pleasure to stop by and see what is going on in other parts of our world. Have a good week.

Aimz said...

what an interesting place!

Pietro Brosio said...

So interesting, Rajesh!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely place.

Ramakrishnan said...

Amazing rock caves !Wonderfully preserved.

Anonymous said...

These ancient places are so interesting...

Roger Owen Green said...

something about those built-in structures that are fascinating


Little Wandering Wren said...

Those rock carvings are amazing and I love the three Buddahs in a row!
Wren x

R Niranjan Das said...

Beautiful caves and carvings.

Anonymous said...

Very educational with pictures. I enjoyed.

Trubes said...

Wonderful shots Rajesh,
I always enjoy your travel stories and pictures of your journey through India.
Best wishes,
ABCW team

MeenalSonal said...

I have been to this place and its really awesome.

Arun Muthusamy said...

Beautiful place.

Rakesh said...

The caves look exactly like Elephanta Caves in Bombay! Beautiful place.

Harshita Joshi said...

Interesting caves

Unknown said...

Nice pics .. have been to Khandagiri many a times :)

Unknown said...

nice pictures as always