Monday, July 25, 2011

Birding at Hebbal Lake

Hebbal Lake is located in north Bangalore. It is here that I had my first experience of bird watching. In the morning time the park by the lake side is busy with people doing morning walk and exercise. There are enthusiastic photographers trying their luck with every bird they spot.

The habitat is favored by many species of water birds including large waterbirds such as the Spot-billed Pelican, Eurasian Spoonbill, Shoveller, Pintail, Garganey, Little Grebe, Coot and Spot-billed Duck.

On my first trip here, I was accompanied few of my friends. This has been a memorable exercise for me. Waiting near any spot trying to get that one precious shot of the bird. But age of Digital camera is a real help, where one can just go on clicking.

My friends identified this bird as Pelican.

Birds of Hebbal Lake: 1, 2, 3


Pondside said...

Some good shots there. Your pelican is a little different from those I've seen in Florida, but one can see the similarities.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love being able to take lots of photos, too! You saw some beautiful the big pelican! ♥

eileeninmd said...

Great bird sightings and photos.

Snap said...

What fun! I'd just go on clicking, too!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful birds. And the yellow bougainvillea is so pretty.

Kavita Saharia said...

Nice captures .The lake looks a perfect place for bird watchers.

Vee said...

And a grand pelican he is, too. Yes, birds are not the easiest subjects I've found. Good job. It is interesting to birdwatch.

George said...

It looks as if your first bird-watching experience was very successful. You got some very good pictures and have created a wonderful collage.

Niki Hudson said...

Lovely! I especially like the one of the small bird getting a little taste of the flower. Beautiful shot!

Teamgsquare said...

Wow , hebbal lake is wonderful place to go birding .

ಅಶ್ವಿನಿ/ Ashwini said...

Thats a nice place to be to get some birds captured with your clicks.

sandeep said...

bangalore indeed has many birds! even around my apartment near mg road, i get to see many cuckoos and barbets. did u go with some group?

joshi daniel said...

sweet bird!

Louisette said...

Nice blog, greetng from Belgium
On my blog katanga links Likasi, photos,famous stamps collectie

Jeevan said...

Excellent shots! I passed this lake lately while on way to Nandi Hills. Doesn't know this is a bird watching area until u said here.

Ash said...

Lovely images!

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots. And a pelican - how amazing!

Bhushavali said...

I've been doing some bird watching these days!!!
Great post an fab pics!!!
Fashion in Gadgets
Pulicat Lake Part II

Shirley @ The Gardening Life said...

Nice mosaic. Pelicans are amazing birds, especially to watch as they lift off the water into flight!

joo said...

Oh, fantastic! I wish I could be there!!

My Little Home and Garden said...

I like the bright orange blossoms on the tree -and the little bird, of course!

Tania said...

I often do bird watching.. it`s so interesting to see what these little bird doing.
Hope you have a great week!

Unknown said...

Careful it's catching!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Carver said...

I love your photographs of the birds. Nice to see the birds from your part of the world.

Photo Cache said...

wonderful collage.

Luna Miranda said...

i've always wanted to bird-watch and take photos of birds. terrific captures!

RNSANE said...

How nice to be able to capture so many birds in one visit. Of course, I know a pelican and a few other birds...but I'd have to keep my bird bible with me for identification!!

Anonymous said...

Bird watching can be interesting. Hebbal lake eh, long time since I have been there


Indrani said...

Great collage made.

magiceye said...

beautiful captures!

definitely on my must visit list next time i visit bangalore!

Anonymous said...

nice bird watch....

Urmi said...

Very beautiful pictures specially the third one I liked most. The cute little bird sitting on a tree and trying to hold the flower with its beak. You are absolutely right as its easy to take pictures b'coz of digicam. said...

newly knowing this place...the cute bird near paper rose is a beautiful shot...hope u guyz had nice time...

alicesg said...

I think I will be like those photographers taking every photos of birds hahaha. Lovely photos.

Joyful said...

Fabulous birds photos. I like your new header too and the mosaics. Very colourful now :-)

LifeRamblings said...

i enjoy bird watching too but I have not managed to take good pictures of them. :( nice photos.

Anonymous said...

Birds are tricky to photograph, and very uncooperative. But the pastime is addictive! This looks like a great spot for taking photos.

Marlene said...

Really exotic of India with all these lovely sights. Nice photos.


I want to see a pelican upclose and personal. I enjoy bird watching too. I enjoy this post. :)

Lowell said...

That little bird is quite attractive and I do like pelicans. Your pelican is marked a bit differently than ours...we have what we call brown pelicans and white pelicans. They were an endangered species 20 years or so ago but with the banning of DDT they have come back.

SandyCarlson said...

All of these shots are beautiful and inviting. I especially love the pelican. These are one of my favorite birds.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures, Rajesh! Such lovely birds and colors! Terrific post for the B Day! Hope your week is going well!


Roger Owen Green said...

in a good way, your post is for the birds!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Karen said...

You got some great shots on your first birding adventure.

SquirrelQueen said...

Great photos, I really like the one of the pelican.

Maude Lynn said...

Cool shots!

Leslie: said...

Great shots and a great choice for our B week! Hope you have a brilliant week.

abcw team

photowannabe said...

A digital camera makes taking many pictures so easy. Looks like you had lots of fun snapping all the birds.

Live2cherish said...

ahaa, i was guessing your B post would for Bangalore. But, fairly close. Its great to know you are fond of bird watching.

Kim, USA said...

Love birding too. And my eyes was fixed to the orange bougainvillea ^_^ Happy Wednesday!

Wanda said...

What a beautiful place to visit. I love birds, and enjoy the ones in my back yard.

Sridharan said...


Al said...

Nice shots - that's a lot of birds!

The Poet said...

You certainly must have a lot of patience for this hobby.
My favorite of the shots is number 2.

I must say, the photos in your header are amazing!
The earth really is a beautiful place if we just open our eyes to see it.

Great post.

Here's my "B":
Blissful Memories

Hazel said...

Birding! What a lovely activity. I see you got bougainvillas too. A pretty addition to letter B on ABC this week.

Shooting Parrots said...

You have a wide selection of birds for bird watchers -- or twitchers as we call them!

Joy said...

Birds and a camera, a perfect combination. It sounds like you had a great day with your friends both feathered and human.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

you had a great day of birding.

Eden said...

Great captures of the birds. It is a beautiful place too.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Welcome to birding Rajesh! You are right, it does teach patience. Your pictures are wonderful. I recognize some of the birds as being the same as I see either in Florida or here in Oregon.

There is a meme you might want to look at called "World Bird Wednesday" ; I am sure the people on it would welcome your pictures. (They have been welcoming to me and my learning efforts...I have trouble sometimes balancing binoculars and camera and I miss a lot of shots.

TJDavis said...

Great pictures! I would love to see India some day!

Míriam Luiza said...

Gostei das fotos. A segunda foto parece que o pássaro olha para mim!

forgetmenot said...

What a fun time you must have had--nice shots. Lovely flowers too. Mickie :)

Cheryl said...

Nicely done. Birding is one of my favorite pastimes. Wondering what the little bird in the middle shots is?

Kay L. Davies said...

What fun to be in a place where so many birds can be found.

—Kay, Alberta, Canada

Laura said...

sweet little birds!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice post.


genie said...

The wait was well worth your perseverance because you were able to capture some wonderful shots of the birds. Beautiful shots. Genie

Anonymous said...

Fun! Yes, digital is handy for this. :) You have some great shots.

Cassie said...

I really liked the colorful blossoms in contrast to the little bird. If you are a true birder, you would just love the blog of my friend Dorothy. (She is at )

Happy SSS to you!

Rajesh said...

Thank you all. My first birding experience was wonderful.

Nukke said...

Lovely photos about bird watching and friends !!!!!

Ingrid said...

Very interesting shots !

Bikram said...

Lovely clicks ..

Bikram's (TC)

Roan said...

For a first bird watching experience, you found a lot. Really like the pelican.

Ashish Joshi said...

the first snap is really wonderful ... it is like the bird is posing for the photo watching into the eyes ... very nice !

Rajesh said...

Thank you all. I am glad you all liked it.