Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jama Masjid, Ahmedabad

Jama Masjid in old area of Ahmedabad located close to Teen Darwaza is one of the most magnificent mosque that was built in 1424 during the reign of Ahmed Shah I. The mosque built with yellow sandstone carved with the intricate detail. One enters the mosque through one of the three entrances.

The mosque built in Indo-Saracenic architecture contains many symmetric elements. The central entrance of rectangular courtyard is beautifully carved with motifs and flower designs. The two principal minarets flanking the central arched entrance collapsed in the 1819 earthquake and their lower portions still intact.

The prayer room is also rectangular and covered by four domes. The interior of central domes are carved like lotus flowers that are mostly seen in Jain Temples. 

The main prayer hall has over 300 columns supporting the roof. The columns are symmetrically arranged to form 15 bays across the long axis of the hall.

The facade and interiors are beautifully carved show casing craftsmanship of the period.


Cloudia said...

designs borrowed by moderns!

ALOHA from Honolulu

Ela said...

Beautiful place to visit !
Great pictures !

Pat said...

So sturdy and beautiful and well-preserved.

Joanna Julia said...

This is a really beautiful mosque!
I haven't been to it yet, but I'd love to see it next time, I'm in India. Thanks for sharing it.
Joanna |

Anonymous said...

beautiful :)

Haddock said...

That 300 columns supporting the roof is a real marvel.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful shots of the mosque and its details! Great photos, enjoy your week!

Muza-chan said...

Beautiful architecture...

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I so admire your knowledge and thank you for sharing these details; all of it is just a beautifully elegant work of art

maryaustria said...

An impressive and beautiful building!

Photo Cache said...

i love the columns that are prevalent in indian temples.

bj said...

How beautiful...the red in the floor was such a sweet surprise. Love your photos.

Jim said...

Such intricate work.

K V V S MURTHY said...

Splendid architecture..!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos, beautiful mosque, beautiful art!

Jeevan said...

Sounds absolutely marvelous! Great post with details on the structure and piece of history... it doesn't look indifferent without minarets and if you haven’t mention we wouldn’t have known or need to think of it. I try to envision the mosque with minarets. But sure it would have been wondered more.

Excellent photos!

R Niranjan Das said...

Wonderful architecture captured beautifully.

Penelope Notes said...

Nice bit of history about this magnificent building.

Unknown said...

wonderful building and details

builindigs like these are no longer build these days, a shame, when you come to think of it realy

fredamans said...

Beautiful building. I am in awe of its history.

Trubes said...

What an amazing Mosque, such intricate carving in the masonry.
I have an Indian shopkeeper friend who is a worshipper in the Jain religion. I'd like to know more about it so maybe a little research is in order. I am most interested in all kinds of religion and creeds, and respect all.
Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Roger Owen Green said...

Nice digs!


Lmkazmierczak said...

Richly ornate♪

Fun60 said...

300 columns. I wonder if that number is a significant number.

Su-sieee! Mac said...


Al said...

Such a beautiful mosque.

Sridharan said...

Impressive structure...Nice snaps..

alicesg said...

Very beautifully built.

MeenalSonal said...

History is really beautiful , very nice clicks.

Snapperoni :: Photography said...

I've never seen the inside of a mosque (well, travel shows aside), it looks marvelous. Everything is so detailed and so intricately carved. And wow, so many columns!

A Colorful World said...

A is for Absolutely beautiful!

MeMumbaikar said...

Wonderful photos of marvellous architecture.

Lancelot Quadras said...

Beautiful pictures... I too want to visit this place soon.

Unknown said...

Hello Rajesh,
First of all good work with your camera! You let the pictures do the talking in every blog of yours and that’s classy. I’ve just purchased a new DSLR and can’t wait to really capture some stunning locations that reveal the true beauty of Indian History. The 300 columns supporting the roof pic is simply beyond words.

Arun Muthusamy said...

Its beautiful. The main prayer hall pic looks like its 2 separate pic cut and joined.

Yogi Saraswat said...

Nice bit of history and well preserved monument

Anonymous said...

Very nice

Unknown said...

Very nice pictures. Particularly that of the ceiling.

Anonymous said...

The ceiling reminds me of the one at Ranakpur Jain temple in Rajasthan. Wonder how many days it must take to make such spectacular ceilings.