Saturday, February 13, 2010

Save our Tigers

Tiger is India's national animal. But sadly it is becoming endangered because, it is poached for its body parts to cater to an illegal market. Another reason is habitat loss due to depletion of forest cover due to interference of humans and encroachment of forest land by people causing fragmentation. Famous Bengal tiger is already declared as endangered species.

By conserving and saving tigers the entire wilderness of ecosystem is conserved. Conserving wilderness is important and crucial to maintain the life support system. Today approximately 1400 tigers are surviving in India. There are several Tiger Reserves in India but man's greed even crosses those boundaries. Please join Save our Tiger initiative.

Above snap of tiger is taken at Bannerghatta National Park. This park is at a distance of around 21 kms from Bangalore city.


Lisa said...

What a beautiful creature and I'm glad you have this blog to get the word out about what is happening with them.


Sylvia K said...

What a wonderful capture! Love the elegant looking tiger! I do hope they can be saved! Have a great weekend, Rajesh!


Ralph said...

The big cat has expended a lot of energy in his quest for food and securing his territory. A well deserved rest in the cooling shade is sin order!

Chubby Chieque said...

TY for thinking of these animals. His gorgeous. Looks that it's too hot overthere.

Have a happy heart.

Coy Hill said...

Saving and conserving wildlife has never been more important than it is now. When a species is lost its gone forever and mankind is poorer for its disappearance.

Nice snap you have here of a beautiful beast!

fufu said...

yeah happy tiger year!! today is chinese new year and the zodiacal sign is tiger!!

jabblog said...

These are such wonderful creatures and it would be a tragedy if they were to become extinct. It is so sad that we are destroying our world - or at least some greedy entrepreneurs are so doing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rajesh: That is a majestic animal, it is too bad when the habitat is threatened.

thyme said...

Sad to think that like the brown bear and the wolf in Europe the tiger in India is about to disappear from the wildlife.

bobbie said...

Yes, please save the beautiful tigers. Wonderful picture.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

I fear, our posterity might not be able to see this Godly wonder!

For, its, Tiger Tiger burning bright!

Tarun Mitra said...

Awareness is necessary for conservation but it should be just aim. Poaching do happen in connivance of the local population because they are not compensated for their habitat mine on this one

Oman said...

Let us do our part.

By the way, Happy Hearts Day and Kung Hei Fat Choi (Happy Chinese New Year). :)

Anonymous said...

How very sad that tigers are endangered!

Unknown said...

The save the Tiger initiative is gaining momentum thanks to post like yours. Maybe I should do a post as well...Thomas

BLOGitse said...

These big cats should live free and in peace...
Beautiful photo!
Happy SSS and V-day if you celebrate that!


biologion said...

I hope that this beautiful animals won't become extinct and the conservation programms will help the population recover.

The photo is very beautiful!

eileeninmd said...

Lovely photo of the Tiger, I have joined the Save the Tigers cause on facebook. It is sad to hear they are being poached.

Gemma Wiseman said...

The Bengal tiger is such a beautiful, fascinating creature! When we admire this tiger so much, I wonder how it is we can let it be endangered! Great post!

Elaine Yim said...

Tigers are such magnificient creatures. I hope that in this Year of the Tiger more people will be aware of their plight and help to save them from extinction.

Reader Wil said...

Excellent post! Tigers are among the most beautiful creatures in our world. We have little wildlife left in our crowded small country. We still have deer and boar, but no wolves anymore.
Thanks for your visit!

Unknown said...


Anya said...

Yes I wish I could help ???
Save the tiger yeahhhh........

Wishing you a Valentine's Day
filled with love
and the tender sound
of a voice that gives you comfort.....

Happy Valentine's Day :-)

Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)

Lowell said...

These are magnificent cats and it is a shame that human greed is so destructive! Let's hope that, as has been done with other species, we can halt this travesty and bring them back full strength!

Ingrid said...

I love all cats ! and these once are extremely beautiful. The chinese celebrate today their New Year and it is the year of the Tiger !

Kirigalpoththa said...

Magnificent animal! sad to hear it is becoming endangered..

Hayley said...

Love this post...:)) really sad to hear this..:-((

Joe Todd said...

Beautiful animal.. Save the habitat save the animal. Every little bit helps.Thanks for the post

Tall Guy said...

Simply love the big cats

I am not sure how the save the tiger imitative is going to make a difference unless the problem of poaching is solved.

Creating awareness in urban cities is not going to make a difference unless the forest is protected from poachers and sellers.

Anonymous said...

I do hope and pray the tiger can be saved in India and everywhere else in the world.

Müge said...

I'm sad to learn that tigers have become endangered in India. I hope they will be saved and protected in the futur.

George said...

The tiger is a magnifecent animal. We will all be poorer if it cannot be saved.

Nalini Hebbar said...

Been to nagarahole and the khana but have never seen the tiger in the wild...lucky!
great blog you have here...will keep visiting

myonlyphoto said...

Thanks for sharing this important message. Too bad, this is such a beautiful animal. Anna :)

LadyFi said...

Such majestic creatures and so terrible that they are going extinct due to human greed.

Deepak Acharya said...

this is a very bad. Despite several efforts, the number of tigers in the country are gradually decreasing.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Amazing photo of this amazing animal. But sad that media is just spreading the word instead of actually taking any action. We all can discuss, but how many of us have taken at least an initiative?

Puppets of Rajasthan

Zuzana said...

Beautiful post about an important issue. Tigers are incredible cats.;)
Happy New Year of the Tiger.

magiceye said...

the need of the hour!

Unknown said...

Magnificent creature.

Lio Popov said...

good job! Good causes. I like it. :)

Rajesh said...

Thanks to all understanding the concern for these big cats. If we do not save them today, we will see them only in pictures very soon.

Anonymous said...

Nice article on tigers. And I love tigers. They are such magnificent animals :(

Nishant Singh said...

ooo nice capture. I like your travel blog. Interesting to know about so many places, keeping it bookmarked for future travels :).

Rajesh said...

evanescentthoughts, Nishanth: Thanks for the appreciation.

gohoto said...

Well I am glad our anguish about the issue ' Save Tigers ' is building blocks...we all have to be together.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm have been planning to go there for some time now. Now after seeing your pics I have to make the plans asap..

You have a nice blog. Nice to see India through your lenses